one of the older elders thought it would be funny to let the kids try it afterwards
Wow, am I the only one here who thinks that seems kind of disrespectful? I guess he figured the kids would never get to partake since they are of the earthly class.
since i was raised as a jw i have never missed the memorial.. now since i have been df'd i"m not sure whether i will go or not.
my wife is still a jw.
should i go for her sake or not?.
one of the older elders thought it would be funny to let the kids try it afterwards
Wow, am I the only one here who thinks that seems kind of disrespectful? I guess he figured the kids would never get to partake since they are of the earthly class.
since i was raised as a jw i have never missed the memorial.. now since i have been df'd i"m not sure whether i will go or not.
my wife is still a jw.
should i go for her sake or not?.
they taste like ....nothing...bland, dry, bad......
Snakes, when did you taste the wafers?
ladies, how many of you have had this happen?
your cell phone is stashed in your purse and it starts ringing.
you plunge your hand in, hoping to grab it and begin the call.
And it wasn't even Flylady's clean out your purse day, I feel so accomplished!
Sister, I love Flylady! For years she has been preaching the message: clean out your life, clean out your home, get out of the chaos that you are living in! She provides routines and reminders for people (like me) who get side-tracked continually. I just check the website from time to time to help keep me on track.
Here's an example: Friday: Paperwork and Misc.
"Failures are a good thing. They teach us what not to do the next time." ~ FlyLady
i've been warned.
i keep saying little things to my husband, and he clearly won't budge any more then he already has.
i just want him to see the truth.
If an well researched apostate and a jw were stuck in a cell together, odds are that the jw will also go apostate.
Um....that's not a slam against marriage is it?
hello everyone.
i am new here so i would just like to give a big hello to you all and look forward to the discussions and chat here.. .
Welcome Irishshane:
Love the name, did you know it is Gaelic for John "Gift from God"? That's why I named one of my gifts from God "Shayne".
What brought you to this neighbourhood?
my father and i had lunch at a local restaurant.
before we eat we always pray.
before we were about to leave a man comes up to our table.
Have you ever had a chance to gently explore some of those doubts or to ask questions that will really get him thinking? I'm sorry, but I don't know what your status is right now, so maybe this would be a dangerous thing. I've always used this opening line, "You know, I'm really confused about something, and was wondering if you could help me understand..."
I don't think the Witnesses ever suspected that I was trying to plant seeds, because they kept coming back, week after week, for an entire year. We had at least 13 different Witnesses in and out of our door, including 8 elders from 3 different congregations. I guess we were hard nuts to crack, so to speak.
Unfortunately, not one of them fell to their knees and cried "Finally I see the truth, I have been in a cult, serving false teachers!" But they know where we live, and I am praying that one of these days, we get a call or a visit from one of them, with more open hearts to hear what we have discovered about the Watchtower.
BTW, welcome to JWD. I hope this forum is helping you.
my father and i had lunch at a local restaurant.
before we eat we always pray.
before we were about to leave a man comes up to our table.
Well turns out this guy goes to the Phillipines and take bibles and songbooks to the people over there with his church as well as being a preacher
Maybe this will help your Dad see that there are lots of Christians involved in spreading the good news of Christ? Maybe he is having doubts? POs have left the organization before...
and petrified... i just recently became a pioneer and always had nagging questions in the back of my mind.
so, i decided that when i have get a study i would research all the questions as i go along so as to prove everything in the truth... i got 4 studies in about 2 months.
all was fine, until i reached i think chapter 6 in the bible teach book about the resurrection.
All of the people here have nothing but bad things to say about everything including the Almighty God Jehovah.
Aleman, I am sorry, but that is not true. There are other posters who love Almighty God, like me. I read and study my Bible every day, and I live according to its' principles. The Bible tells me to be on the watch for false teachers, and for those who add to the Bible. I'm sorry if you don't realize this, but the Watchtower has continually changed its' teachings over its' history, and that means it has been teaching falsehood in the past. That makes it a false teacher, and so I will not disobey the Bible by listening to them.
The Watchtower also adds to the Scriptures by making more rules for men to follow. Jesus condemned those in his time that did this, and so I will not belong to an organization that does this either. I am not living an immoral life, but one of love and service to God. Aleman, I urge you to pray to Jehovah to open your eyes before you devote any more of your life to serving false teachers. Do not harden your heart any longer!
Lady Liberty: your post was very beautiful-- It touched my heart and I pray that it will touch the hearts of others too, especially Cognac, who this thread is supposed to be about.
the new video "pursue goals that honor god" was given to me last night at the hall.
it encourages young people to pursue spiritual goals, and not waste their time on foolish endeavors such as riches or education.
well, at least it used to have that message, until we had our way with it :) . does this work in the pre-edited version? They take biblical characters and then make up a story line about them to push their own agenda? Are we supposed to think that this is how it actually happened in biblical times? Is it to be viewed as authoritative? Wouldn't this be considered adding to the Scriptures, if not in words then at least in intent?
we had an interesting local needs.. first it clearly stated if you are not making all the meetings you will not make it in to the new system period no exceptions.
they twisted the story of the red sea to make an example.
saying you can not disobey once, or else you be left stuck in the bottom of the red sea.. from now on the elders will be making shepherding calls on those that are not attending regularly.. also, it was stated that if you know of any not attending regularly.
If an Israelite had decided he didn't need to obey Moses and finish crossing the red sea to be saved. He would be killed with the Egyptian army when the red sea came back.
What if some imposter dressed up like Moses and said "Hey, follow me, everyone! If you don't, you will never escape the big W (that's for big wave). No, no, don't look over there--he's not the REAL Moses--his coat was bought in Egypt--it is PAGAN. You've got to follow me and do exactly what I tell you. Okay, everyone walk on their hands..."
Anyone care to finish the analogy?