Morale is low for a lot of reasons, but mostly, because this is an "end time" cult that always has to explain why they are never out of time. You can't keep changing your big foundational teachings like "the generation" teaching and not expect it to raise some internal eye ball rolling at the least.
Also, the GB continues to be naive about the role of the internet in their current malaise. While they have adapted pretty well to it for their own devices, (they had no choice) the other end of that stick is, it does give their flock tacit permission to look at what others are saying and what evidence is out there against the Borg. (all on your smartphone of choice, except for Blackberry users)
So who cares if they don't leave. When you read about the Conti case, 20k+ pedophiles, emotional and spiritual abuse from real people, of course it's going to make your morale low.