Congrats on the college degree!
Just another perspective, understand that there is no "one way" that pioneers stop pioneering, servants and elders stop "serving". The personality of each congregation and their elders, along with the current CO affects those events. I always advise to be cautious as you fade away, especially if your plan isn't to blow up the bridge.
I personally like the advice of LisaRose. I think as you get older you'll regret the times you don't fully listen to that voice inside yourself. In fact, you'll probably find that like an underused muscle, once you start getting to know you, you'll get stronger.Get to know yourself. That won't happen EVER inside a KH or talking with other JW's, because part of the whole JW indoctrination is to take away your identity. That's why everyone is "brother" and "sister". Because your name represents YOU, and that doesn't jive very well with a cult....
Get some friends too. I wish I had done that when I left. Best wishes!