No, I think that is very remote. The Canaanite/Israelite figure of El may indeed lie behind the Danielic and Enochic "Ancient of Days"/"Head of Days" (and the Enochic concept is clearly anticipatory of the Son of Man language in Mark 14:62 ), but nowhere is this figure called El in late Second Temple writings, nor would 'ly in Psalm 22 have been interpretable as "my El" imho.
I think you’re probably right but I wanted to bounce it around to elicit any comments. You never know what might fall out when you shake a tree.
What are your thoughts on “the Power” in Mark 14:62? Is this just a placeholder for the divine name YHWH?
Where did that expression come from? Is it used anywhere else?
What did it mean to commit blasphemy in Mark 14? Did Jesus need to drop 'the name' or would claiming to be 'the anointed one' suffice?
Kothar sitting at the right hand of Baal??? Where in the world does this come from?
From Ugaritic mythology. Ditto the footstool.
Baal is also not in Psalm 110 ; the word for "lord" in v. 5 is 'dny "my lord", i.e. not involving b`l "lord/master" I know.
Sorry. I wanted to talk about the similarities between Ugaritic mythology and Psalm 110, but I tried to go too fast and it came out weird.
Most folks think that Mark 14:62 is an allusion to Daniel 7 AND Psalm 110. But I’m a weirdo and I’m wondering if Psalm 110 is really necessary. Could the "sitting at the right hand" stuff have come from somewhere else?
This all ties into the issue of if any of the authors of the NT knew about the name YHWH because AFAIK the episode “Jesus vs. Sanhedrin” is the only place that comes close. Am I making any sense?
BTW Michael Heiser wrote a rebuttal to Mark S. Smith’s take on Deut 32:8~9 and Psalm 82. Have you read it?