JoinedTopics Started by ElijahTheThird
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
What makes the GB different? or MADE?!
by ElijahTheThird inthat there is no explination given by the gb is rather odd in and of it's self i would say.
all i can offer is my own understanding of how, and what i have learned in 30 years of having "insight".
this hasn't been easy as the gb has made it so.
666, or 616?
by ElijahTheThird inwe have all heard all the crap about 666, now does anyone have any conjecture or idea about 616?
i have only heard of one possible conclusion to this so far.
616 is generaly found in the oldest manuscripts.
Elders or Anointed to JUDGE?
by ElijahTheThird inwhy is it so many lay the blame on god for the appointment of elders?
read your bibles!
it is the anointed amongst you that are to appoint elders, but the anointed are to judge!
Unrighteous Disfellowshiping ?
by ElijahTheThird inwhy is it so many lay the blame on god for the appointment of elders?
read your bibles!
it is the anointed amongst you that are to appoint elders, but the anointed are to judge!
Anointed's Letters of Insight, Where are ...
by ElijahTheThird inwhere are these letters of insight the anointed of jws have been writing into the gb for decades?
what are in those letters?
why werent they ever made public?
Bible = History, Current Events, and Destiny
by ElijahTheThird inall in all, that is prety much it.
the difficult part about it is in that it was last wrote about 2000 years ago.
the point is to try and bring yourself back to their time and understand what is being described.
WT/GB false "missle men"!
by ElijahTheThird inimho.
that the wt has printed false teachings, yes!
but, how did this happen?
Is it ONLY the JW's that knew of the Anointed?
by ElijahTheThird inwhat are your understandings or knowledge about this?
are the jw's the only ones that were given "insight" as to who the saints are?.
for a jw info board it is interesting that there is so very little on this subject of the anointed here.
Elijah The Third , new face.
by ElijahTheThird inand takes a comfy chair.
sets out a plate of great snacks and beverages with a nod of the head.
(aint cyber space great!