This is just a silly post. Why on earth would you bother going to a judicial committee meeting with such a bad attitude?
Just write a letter and disassociate yourself if you feel that way. No sense in having any meeting.
For anyone who sincerely wants to know what to do in a judicial committee:
1) If you did in fact do something wrong, admit it, show that you are truly sorry, be humble, expect the worst punishment and hope and pray to god that they are merciful.
Are elders perfect? NO
Do they have some sort of power to ascertain the truth? NO
Could they disfellowship you by accident even when you really are repentent and have changed? Yep. they make mistakes. But it only takes about 6 months to get back, and chalk it up to a lesson learned.
2) If you are wrongfully accused of something. They need two witnesses. If they have two people lying ....oh you could be in trouble. Satan may have you on the run. But like I said its not the end of the world. Write a letter after you are disfellowshipped explaining why the elders are making their decision on incorrect information. If that doesn't the 6 months and realize that we are just human and the elders thought they were making the right decision. Forgive and get back to the meetings. Satan is one sneaky guy. Oh how he can make a mess that seems like Jehovah is not with you. IF YOU HAVE TRIALS......BLAME SATAN....not imperfect humans who for the most part believe they are trying to do the right thing.
Think about this too...Why are all these wierd problems happening in our congregations. THAT IS WHERE SATAN IS WORKING THE HARDEST. Its all him!!!!! Don't let go of your faith please.