Focus first on reinstatement. Contrary to what many have said, I suggest that you do not tell them that the isolation has taught you anything. That basically says to the elders, I'm coming back because I hate a spanking. The KEY is to make plain to them that you have a growing relationship with Jehovah. Whatever he wills is acceptable to you. Tell them that you feel that Jehovah is hearing your prayers for forgiveness, (They really want to hear that. It shows that you are praying, remember Jehovah listens to the prayer of the repentent, and you have faith in Jehovah.)
Tell them that in reading the Watchtower and the Bible you feel as if you are really being directed to answers that fit your circumstance. Give an example of how this is so, be specific. I don't know what you were DF'd for, but, whatever it is, make sure you make restitution so those involved can report it to the elders if that is needed. Go to the meetings and DONT sit in the back. Never sit in the back. Sit towards the front where you can be seen. Don't march in proud and do so, come a little before the prayer and take a seat right among those in the middle or towards the front. You have a wife and kids, right? Send them in a few minutes before you and tell her to sit in the middle of the hall and to make sure you have an isle seat so you can make your escape after the meeting. Once you establish a pattern it will become your seat, I promise and you will have ease in attending the meeting and having a seat of your choice. (If the brothers come and tell you to sit in the back it gives you an opportunity to comply and that shows the submission these morons love)
Because the witnesses want you to come back they will opt to avoid your seat so you are not discouraged. It's hilarious how you can control their actions by establishing a routine.
Make sure you highlight the hell out of your magazine so everyone around you can see your spirituality (gag) is growing. You will see that in short order some of the friends will be giving you the wink and a pat on the shoulder when no one sees it. That is of course if you haven't defrauded the whole congregation on some investment scheme or slept with some bother's wife! LOL.
Take it a step at a time. Make sure you miss NO meetings. They love it when you come sick, so be sick once in a while, at least appear so, and go anyway... wiping you nose and coughing into a handkerchief. The key is to function like one of the zealous dumbass witnoids, then they think you're on the mend. I gaurantee that it wont be too long before you are reinstated. The bad part is having to go to the meetings and play holy joe. I'm sure your family is worth it. I wish you success.
I say this from experience.. these are the things we looked for in our congregation when people were on the road back. I hated the whole game.
all the best.
editied to add a sentence that was missing