I once turned down a "threesome".
I've turned down a threesome too! [...more than one, but usually you know the proposals are at least somewhat joking, not expecting 'real' results....]
Without going into detail, I was desperate to enlist helping hands to conduct my recent move, and IN my desperation, asked two of the guys I had met out dancing to help me(buddies of each other--young guys, 22 and 23). They seemed nice enough. They were kind enough to do so...and then...at the end of it all, one of them turns to me and casually says, "So should we go to the bedroom?"
For a moment I thought it was deadpan humor--but then realized he was SERIOUS, and both he and his buddy were awaiting a real answer...!! I said, " Nooooooooo.....!!" and laughed it off, without showing too much of my alarm...he was polite about backing off, but still tried weakly after that.
His buddy burst out in a big grin and said, "Not everybody is SICK, Tom!!" Turns out they both belonged in steps programs for alcohol and/ or narcotics...were not staying 'with' the program...and, evidently, needed to add sex addiction to their list of programs to be working on....
Boy, the trouble a single, white female can find herself in when she has no family near, no physical strength of her own, and no money to pay someone else....!!! [I did manage to find enough other helping hands to get the thing accomplished, though, and some are even helping out still with set-up at the new place, so it's all good.]