This board is not for me.

by Wafe 142 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wafe

    When I came to this board, I thought that it was for encouragement amoung people who had been treated badly by the WTBTS, I did not understand that people were going to come here and bash God, his Son and the Bible. I could understand some embitterment over religion but some of you people are down right insulting. Not to mention the fact that I have tried to contact others on the board and have had my messages ignored.

    So I guess in its own way, with the exception of about two people, most here are no better than the Witnesses.

    Please let me know how to cancel my membership to this board.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Gill

    Wafe - Sorry that you feel that way!

    However, the majority of people on this board are tolerant of eachother's beliefs and will allow beliefs of others, even though feeling able to criticise them and give their own opinion also. It is a two way street of acceptance.

    You may feel that the Bible is God's word and Christ is his son, but I too used to feel that way and understand why you do. However, it doesn't mean that any of us will not change. People are allowed to say 'I don't agree' then why they don't agree and what they now believe. That is the freedom we have all gained since leaving the WTBTS where no thoughts other than those engendered by the FDS were permitted on fear of shunning/'death'. Do we still want to be that way? Why can't you allow the people who don't think as you do to have their own thoughts and voice them? Perhaps you have not completely discovered the real beauty of mental freedom yet....but that too will come in time.

    I hope you will stay and consider 'allowing' people of all beliefs, even those contrary to your own, the real freedom of voicing their beliefs without fear of 'cutting off' in one way or another.

    Try staying a bit longer and learn what real freedom is.

    Whatever you decide, Wafe, Good Luck!

  • Junction-Guy

    Wafe, I am not bitter against God or the Bible, and there are many others here too just like me. Mouthy(Grace) is a Christian, along with Honesty(Bob) and many many others. This board is diverse and is made of many people who now have different beliefs, politics and so forth. This board is very informative, and I have learned quite a bit reading the posts, stick around for awhile.

  • Zico

    If you want to leave because some people have different opinions to you, I think you still have some growing to do. Hope that doesn't come across as nasty, just my perspective. No one board will be for everyone, I hope you find somewhere you enjoy posting.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Christian here! You have a PM.


  • DJK

    I'm sorry you feel that way Wafe. People do come here for encouragement. They also come here to heal and venting is a method used to heal for many things. I know it's working for me, I bash much less now than before.

  • J-ex-W

    Sorry you feel that way, Wafe. I remember you announcing your arrival, and me welcoming you. I don't believe we've shared any posting threads since then, to my knowledge. I also don't believe that I've done any bashing of God, Jesus, etc. on this board.

    Have tried to give--and definitely received!--a lot of encouragement here ...which certainly never existed on a genuine level within the Org.

    As for the "only two people" you've felt you could relate to here...I'd say two is a really good START!!

    Please consider trying again to connect and branch out a little more here...the obstacles you face on this board this way are no different than you will find in the 'real' world. This is actually good, and comparatively easy, 'virtual' practice for that !!

    Hope to hear more from you here.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    You dont have to cancel your membership. In the 1+ year I have been here, I have not paid any dues or signed any application of admission. If you dont want to be a part of this board dont enter it into your web browser. Simple and effective.

  • Xena

    I'm sorry you feel this way. Unfortunately some people get overzealous in both their advocating their own faith or lack thereof and still feel the need to convert others. The good news is we now have the freedom to decide if we want to listen to them or not.

    Best of luck should you decide to stay or go.

    to add as a side note: I don't know your situation or how long you have been out of the dubs but a lot of times coming out we are used to the "instant" friends we get when we go to the kingdom hall so it takes some time to adjust to the fact that normal human interaction usually takes some time between people. Something to ponder.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Sorry you feel this way wafe but if that's what you've decided, fair enough.

    As for this comment:

    with the exception of about two people, most here are no better than the Witnesses.

    You've been here for one month - I hardly think that's enough time to form such a sweeping opinion of all the people who post here. Frankly, for you to make a comment like this is quite insulting.

    Like someone else just wrote - you may have a lot of learning to do. Good luck on your journey.

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