My Junction,
Don't know if you read my post on your other tread. Homosexuality is more than just inward attractions. If you aren't actively pursuing men sexually yet you have attractions without the desire to actually have sexual relations, this equates to inner turmoil.
I have heard wonderful testimonies from Exodus. Because of my core belief system I would personally reccommend receiving counsel from a group that is founded on Biblical principles. If you are dealing with sexual abuse in your past (I don't recall actually reading this, it is just my assumtion) , you will most likely need to go through a lot of therapy to uncover your persceptions about sex in general and your own sexuality.
By the way, are you a Christian now? For some reason I thought I remember reading your posts a while back and thinking that you are a Christian. If so, Exodus can really be of great value. I have always been privately intrigued by alternative lifestyles and pay close attention to these kinds of ministries.