First of all, God will never give up on anyone. Up until the last breathe, He is there!
I heard a story once and it rings well with me. I use this example to my children's friends
You're were walking through a beautiful field full of wild flowers and out in the middle of nowhere, you find a pocket watch.
This pocketwatch is absolutely beautifully crafted, yet the owner is nowhere to be found.
Did that pocketwatch just appear in the midst of that field, miraculously? Or did that pocketwatch have a designer who carefully and patiently created it?
Of course someone created the pocketwatch! We can all reason that out. Yet we have such a hard time with the thought that someone higher and more powerful than ourselves created us. We don't need a biology teacher to display how awesome our own creation is. Our physical body is amazing!
Yet, if we admit there is someone higher than ourselves that created us, then we have to struggle through whether or not we want to answer to this person/being.
If you haven't done so already, try reading your Bible but first, ask God to reveal Himself to you as you read His Word. His Word is Living and His Holy Spirit is interested in you personally. He knows your heart and nothing you tell Him will be of surprise!
Take care and celebrate your life!