She is my firstborn and as a firstborn, sometimes the laws get laid down a little tougher than for the little ducklings that follow in their footsteps.
This is all new to me. Geez, I went on her acct last night and she had it set to "private" (good job) and she said she lived somewhere across the otherside of the country (good job). I have friends that have accts just to see what their teens are up to. They dink around on the computer and find out a HOST of info and figure out real quick what is really going on.
I guess I could ease up in one aspect but monitor the site. As 12, she can still get on MySpace without even having an acct and still see things and read things that aren't okay. That's if she is up to being sneaky....which MOST kids are. I know I was real good at sneaking around.
Its tough letting the rope out a little and giving them freedom. This world has a lot of great things, but a lot of dangers too. That said, I have some thinking to do. Thanks for your input. It's really good to get another perspective. I'm all for that.