to sum it up, they done screwed up translating again.
JoinedPosts by A-Team
Is Apostate/Apostasy Bibical?
by A-Team ini'm trying to find the word in the new testiment, but i can't find the word noplace in my kjv or my greek version.
does anyone know what i dont know?.
Is Apostate/Apostasy Bibical?
by A-Team ini'm trying to find the word in the new testiment, but i can't find the word noplace in my kjv or my greek version.
does anyone know what i dont know?.
ok, I think I may be missing soemthing.
the hebrew word that the NWT replaces is haneph, which means hypocritical, godless, profane, hypocrite, irreligious.
Correct me if I am wrong, but don't they use the term APsotae for one that isn't a JW? if so.....Man, I feel sorry for these people.
Is Apostate/Apostasy Bibical?
by A-Team ini'm trying to find the word in the new testiment, but i can't find the word noplace in my kjv or my greek version.
does anyone know what i dont know?.
I'm trying to find the word in the New testiment, but I can't find the word noplace in my KJV or my Greek version.
Does anyone know what I dont know?
A letter that I sent to another JW...He says he would repsond......
by A-Team ini told him i had questions about salvation, the mosiac law and christmas/holidays.. .
i know the jws say that salvation is of works, and noone knows that they are saved/have salvation until after they die.
With the doctrines, I always get the "New Light" Bit. Never works. In my own expirences, I found that showing scripture actually breaks down walls.....most times.
A letter that I sent to another JW...He says he would repsond......
by A-Team ini told him i had questions about salvation, the mosiac law and christmas/holidays.. .
i know the jws say that salvation is of works, and noone knows that they are saved/have salvation until after they die.
I told him I had questions about Salvation, The Mosiac Law and Christmas/Holidays.
I know the JWs say that Salvation is of works, and noone knows that they are saved/have salvation until after they die. But, I came across a few scriptures that says otherwise.
Salvation is of grace, not of works. is mentioned in Eph 2:8-9, Gal 2:16 and Titus 3:5. I have also looked up the word Salvation, in the Greek, which is the word Soteria, which means:- deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation
- deliverance from the molestation of enemies
- in an ethical sense, that which concludes to the souls safety or salvation
- of Messianic salvation
- salvation as the present possession of all true Christians
- future salvation, the sum of benefits and blessings which the Christians, redeemed from all earthly ills, will enjoy after the visible return of Christ from heaven in the consummated and eternal kingdom of God
Now, I can't find that word anyplace in James in my Greek Bible. . Also, from what JWs have told me, there is no way that I can be assured Salvation, if that is the case, then why does I John5:8-15, in particular Verse 13 say otherwise?
2. Mosiac Law.
JWs have been telling me that I shouldn't be tithing, shouldn't be doing this, or that, or a few other things because that was under the Mosaic Law, and we are not bounded by that. I actually did research under the Mosaiac Law, and I have 2 slants on it. 1, Tithing was never mentioned in the Mosaiac law and 2, if we aren't bound my ANY law in the Mosiac law, I guess I'm free to have relations with a jackrabbit then.
The laws are too long to post here, but Here is a link to read them
Now with that said, I never hear anything about the Abrahamic Covenant, the Noahide Laws, mentioned from JWs. And from what I personally understand, all of these laws are still in tack, because God never breaks a Covenant, Here is some scripture that says this. Everlasting
Genesis 8:20-22; 9:1-17; Psalms 105:8,10; Isaiah 54:10 ; 61:8 God faithful to
Leviticus 26:44,45; Deuteronomy 4:31 ; 7:8,9 ; Judges 2:1 ; 1 Kings 8:23; Psalms 105:8-11; 106:45; 111:5 ; Micah 7:20 . (links disabled)
Now, the Jews did break them but God never did. He disperesed them to other lands until 1948, when he bought them back home (but thats a totally different tangent.)
The celebration of Holidays and Birthdays dosen't please Jehovah from what my JW friend have told me. And by celebrating Christmas, you are honoring Jesus, not the father, which is a big no-no, according to a JW friend.
Well, in the Book of Ester, they had a feast/celebration/Holiday after the Jews were saved from destruction. Also, in the book of Job, Job himself threw at least 2 Birthday parties for his kids. from what I have read, Jehovah never Got mad in those cases. Also, about honoring Jesus, there is a scripture in the Bible that says " That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him" John 5:23..spoken by Jesus himself (Context is John 5:17-45, with Jesus speaking from 19-45.) - deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation
JWs in Field Service Today--Christmas.
by M.J. ini guess the local kh is doing a special field service outing today, which my wife will be a part of...on christmas morning.
i think this is intrusive and disrespectful.. did any of you do fs on christmas?.
is this a common thing among jws?
All that needs to happen is for someone to go postal on them, and they will never do it again.
CHRISTMAS: December 25th DOES have a Biblical foundation! CHECK IT OUT!
by Lady Liberty inmy mother and i were talking about christmas being in december, and how the christians felt it was truely a victory to have christ jesus birth still celebrated, unlike the pagan sun god that was celebrated by the pagans at the same time.
we got to talking and realized that if you count backwards from when scholars really feel jesus was most likely really born (in september), and count back 280 days of pregnancy, it would actually be late december!!!
could it be that the birthday was from the date of conception, not delivery???
Keep in mind of this, most JWs feel that the Birth wasn't important at all, only his Death.
Um, let me see here.........You can't have Death without Birth, which makes both equally as important....and since that his blood saved us, and his Ressurrection opened the Gates of Heaven, You might just say all 3 are as important as the other 2.
John 1:1 in the KIT, how blind a JW must be to actually believe the WT
by A-Team inok, ya know the scripture and all, but there is something that even jws can't even deny.
in john 1:1, the word god, or theos.
the lower case word of god, in the greek is qeov, the upper case word is "8eov" (my keyboard doent have that letter as you know) the word god appears twice in this verse, written the exact same way.
Ok now, how about these definitions for the word Elohim:
- (plural)
- rulers, judges
- divine ones
- angels
- gods
- (plural intensive - singular meaning)
- god, goddess
- godlike one
- works or special possessions of God
- the (true) God
- God
Like I stated abouve, all of this is still very much a mystery that won't be solved until Jesus' return.
- (plural)
John 1:1 in the KIT, how blind a JW must be to actually believe the WT
by A-Team inok, ya know the scripture and all, but there is something that even jws can't even deny.
in john 1:1, the word god, or theos.
the lower case word of god, in the greek is qeov, the upper case word is "8eov" (my keyboard doent have that letter as you know) the word god appears twice in this verse, written the exact same way.
Ok now, how about these definitions for the word Elohim:
- (plural)
- rulers, judges
- divine ones
- angels
- gods
- (plural intensive - singular meaning)
- god, goddess
- godlike one
- works or special possessions of God
- the (true) God
- God
Like I stated abouve, all of this is still very much a mystery that won't be solved until Jesus'
- (plural)
John 1:1 in the KIT, how blind a JW must be to actually believe the WT
by A-Team inok, ya know the scripture and all, but there is something that even jws can't even deny.
in john 1:1, the word god, or theos.
the lower case word of god, in the greek is qeov, the upper case word is "8eov" (my keyboard doent have that letter as you know) the word god appears twice in this verse, written the exact same way.
Ok now, how about these definitions for the word Elohim:
- (plural)
- rulers, judges
- divine ones
- angels
- gods
- (plural intensive - singular meaning)
- god, goddess
- godlike one
- works or special possessions of God
- the (true) God
- God
Like I stated abouve, all of this is still very much a mystery that
- (plural)