Dear TA,
The danger of staying in too long as your children are growing is that they do feel the influence of those around them. Even more so if you believe that the JWs that "love" them are important to them.
But there is this: you can as a believer give greater weight in their minds to the integrity and love that the WT says it gives to the teachings of Jesus--BUT DOES NOT. When you do that then your eventual break out will make complete sense to them. In fact, they will almost certainly develop a disgust for what they hear and see in the Organization and chaff at the bit.
Getting thrown out of the religious circle, i.e. the synagogue, is in the finest traditions of personal faith. Just look at Jesus.
All the best dear sister,
PS I am the mother of seven grown children NONE of whom are JWs. I am sorry for the wounds they carry related to my JW affilliation.