Dear Frankie,
The GB might be amenable to change if they all got sick together?
Then I will pray that they each and everyone get a terrible case of piles.
narcissistic patients try to sustain an image of perfection and personal invincibility for themselves and attempt to project that impression to others as well.
physical illness may shatter this illusion, and a patient may lose the feeling of safety inherent in a cohesive sense of self.
Dear Frankie,
The GB might be amenable to change if they all got sick together?
Then I will pray that they each and everyone get a terrible case of piles.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
If the topic is of interest still--I am up for talking!
Why do I give any weight to second-hand Jesus stories? I have observed that there is a nub of reality at the base of most stories. So much so that the most pernicious lies are almost always built upon a fact, a truth.
When I look a the broad tendancy of a happy creature, with a healthy family, in a secure community it is impossible ignore patterns that repeat themselves. I see repeating patterns in the reflexive teaching of Jesus: love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. My take away is that there is something behind this that I cannot know absolutely--and words, mP, are in short supply to describe. Yet, once anyone sticks a word, a label on that SOMETHING, the wrangling begins and you are likely to be stoned or burned at the stake for thinking about it yourself.
It is hard to consider Jesus and who he is-or was-apart from our indoctrination. We all have our prejudices-can't help it. Who in recent times got to meet him at a wedding feast? Or fishing? Or the like? Of course whoever first told us a Jesus story told us with a little bit of spin-- I heard about Jesus as a little girl through the lense of Catholicism. Catechism. Indoctrination. Hard to shake it.
But maybe Jesus was not so hide-bound.
Jesus is reported to have said at John 7:16,17 "Jesus then answered them, and said, 'My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me. If anyone wish to perform his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is from God, or I am speaking from myself.'
I accepted the invitation. It is free from formula and lets me acknowledge or not whether I think there is anything to it. AND it prevents me from creating a RELIGION of my experience. I can only invite others to do the same. No bow-beating.
Because it is relevant, if you like the letters that led to my leaving/expulsion can be accessed through this forum. At the "search" box write: How I left Jehovah's Witnesses/MaeveCourteau. The Bethel response is included.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
Hope to resume tomorrow, S&R. You are no doubt in surgery--
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
Sorry for a poor word choice. Though I don't see rage as out of place at times.
Good for you--a doctor? I'm glad for doctors for certain. I start chemo and radiation a little more than a day from now. I love the healing arts.
I am careful not to quench anyone's smoldering flax of faith or however that scripture reads... I, too, read of discoveries and biblical scholarship. It challenges old ideas of the scriptures but doesn't hurt my faith. There is something to the parts of Jesus story that slip past the heavy-handed paws of preservationists.
I got kicked out for refusing to agree that God told Abraham to kill and sacrifice Isaac. I pointed out that, in the first place, the word used in Gen 22 was NOT the word for kill/sacrifice. That if God Had said it then he was a sly and cruel manipulator.
There was no way to avoid a fire storm. All the letters from the first "confession" to the elders to the Bethel response and so on got posted a few years back. I am certain many see it as a WTF issue.
I actually see that all this fiddly-piddly with doctrine, chronology and theology is not where Jesus was pointing us.
I appreciate your honest posting.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
I think Jesus would agree that there were some contradictions in the scriptures. He pointed out a problem at Matt. 19:8.Just because a thing was written on a scroll, I don't see that Jesus thought that certain practices of his fellow Jews remotely reflected God's love. Not at all.
I'm not too good at coaxing things out of my computer. I couldn't get the video to work :<
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
That is a great solid tear, snare & racket. I mean it! My key board nearly levitated with your rage.
Your remarks will flush me out of hiding for sure.
I have an attitude toward the use of scripture and the way we are forced to BELIEVE that ended my connection with organized religion.
The matters you raise should be addressed one by one in thoughtful posts. They are all great topics.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
Hello, Larsinger,
Jesus hearkens back to Daniel, true. But this connection at Mat. 24:15 says "When therefore, you shall see, stationed on holy ground, that destructive abomination, which is spoken of through Daniel the prophet,(reader attend) "then let those in Judea escape to the mountains." Daniel's numbers are not material to this warning--not in this instance.
As to whether you have convinced me that a life span given in Ps. 90:10 is the equivalent to the Greek or Aramaic word used at Matt. 24:34 --I have no reason to think they are the same. It is your opinion only.
Of course, numbers come up in the bible. My reason not to fasten on to a chronology even if they come up in the bible is they are RELATIVELY unimportant --even to Jesus.
Jesus wasn't against tithing either. But its importance was relatively low in his eyes compared to other things:"Woe to you Pharisees! Because you tithe of mint, and rue, and every pot-herb, but disregard justice and the love of God; these things you ought to practice, and not to omit those." Lu. 11:42
In general Jesus seems to warn us off of overreliance on timetables--AS SO WELL THE WTS/FDS HAS SHOWN US ALL. All the rest of Matt. 24 tells of that sad outcome of a time expectation gone wrong. Spiritual abuse ensues.
Lars, aren't you glad Jesus simply lived so wonderfully that uneducated, dirty or poor he gave us all a certain guide to discipleship that would keep people like myself from being the spiritual slave of my "betters"-better in math, intellect, leisure? "Just as I have loved you, so you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."
This is understandable even without a diagram that even a child can grasp it.
It is hard to think that numbers lit much of the wise virgins lamps. Maybe the foolish ones thought that chronology would light their way.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
You might have something there , transhuman. There are cultural tides that can push us for sure--Numbers seem a way to allow practical people to approach God through a "back door".
Otherwise you are left with that primitive old invitation to meet God through Jesus' teachings. Like he (maybe)said at John 7:17.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
Tater--I'm still laughing at that video. WRONG WRONG WRONG
That is the essense of what the Brooklyn Corp wrote me when I had to lay my case before them. It wasn'tthat I was particularly WRONG in what I had presented to them, just INHERENTLY wrong because I disagreed with something.
What it taught me is that God doesn't/didn't put believers in that position with one another. Otherwise having a conscience is just a useless annoyance.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
Ding, I guess it's true that some were pulled in by the numbers.. I can remember that was a "hook" for one really zealous old pioneer sister. I came in for the way the witnesses stood for peace and for me the dates made me uneasy.
The down side of the dates/chronologies in thinking what you said: it appealed to superior knowledge not loving God and Men.
Poor old sister, she is sick and old. I wrote her a few months ago to tell her how I remembered her kindness to me and the kids. Poor thing, she couldn't answer.