The amount of auto immune diseases, depression , wives of elders who suffered illnesses that often prevented their attendance at meetings ( these were,oddly, the kinder sisters)
I have points of comparison with the outside worldly people having years of contact before during and after the cult.
l have spent a lot of time with a wide range of worldly people including folks who’ve been to prIson. The people outside have this going for them: they have problems but don’t have the burden of the teachings and the JW culture. The protections to children may be said to protect kids growing up but also screw them up So that’s a draw.
But for saner thinkers,hands down, l find nonJWs better able to deal with life, generally more open and kind to themselves and others while accepting that they are screwed up or struggling with life. They aren’t constantly on tap to “🎼serve the God of true prophecy” by regurgitating claims made by strangers in a galaxy far away.
of course they have grave mental health problem... and so did I.
I tried to get counseling while “in” but had trouble talking about issues without incriminating my belief system . So l didn’t really get any help at that time.