Nathan, do you think I posted a pat answer to your presentation in praise of warriors?
Hardly. Defending ourselves from aggressors is ever a problem. But governments are the ones that make war--they have the information and deseminate it to the public--we have to believe what they say, don't we? It can happen that a nation becomes unmeasured in its response to fear of injury--Look at North Korea.
You know, what troubles many soldiers returning from some of these wars is the pointlessness of them. The lack of a credible threat. And what THEY did to ensure their survival in crazy circumstances.
When a government uses young men and uses them poorly--even badly--not to protect the people back home I do not think that is good. And I wonder if you think it is.
War ruins lives so often for no good cause. No good cause.
I have come to believe that when we see rising conflicts there are better things to do than throw young men into harms way like so much toilet paper. Just calling them heroes doesn't fix them up.
Yeah, I love men and women who would protect others--I hate to see them used so miserably and hear them admit some of the atrocities that so often come to pass when their war "gets out of control".
And I do not trust government to look to the common folk's best interest.
I am not passive. But I hate the way people know how to make war but don't think how to make peace.