My Mom has decided to turn me in... I am not afraid (Letter Inside)

by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sosoconfused

    The ONLY reason I am posting this is because I know many of you are going or will be going through something similar and wonder if it is worth it. I personally feel that it is worth it regardless of what I lose. My wife is backing me and I have my children. Nothing more is needed for me to truly be happy. I either lose myself being a liar and continue to hide or be free and do what I know is best for my family...

    Dear ******,

    After talking to you, I could see that much of your issue is not health related. I think that unrelieved stress from your job, dealing with congregation issues that you felt couldn't be changed, raising a family and having a little boy with special needs became more than you could handle. You have the tendency to put your all into whatever you take an interest in. That's a good thing for some, but for someone who can't take a lot of stress, it can work to your detriment. Putting our whole self into something without pacing yourself is a form of unrelieved stress. Remember, we've learned that being modest means accepting your limitations.

    You mentioned that you don't owe anyone an explanation except Jehovah, ....that's true. But there's a point in chapter 11 of the "Bible Teach" book that shows Jehovah doesn't have to explain himself to us as to why He's allowed suffering and wickedness to go on so long. But guess what?........He does explain to us because He's humble. We are always admonished to imitate Jehovah. Keep in mind ****** that your actions and attitude affect your children and wife inside and outside the congregation. Please, don't be prideful. Keep in mind that Jehovah looks for opportunities to show His strength in our behalf. Psalms 32:8 tells us that Jehovah will give us insight and instruct us in the way we should go. Rely on Him to do that.

    ****** it sounds like something an apostate would say about the faithful slave! Did you really mean those things?!

    ******, do you really believe the things you expressed? Do you not realize that Jehovah's spirit is working with this organization? How else can almost 8 million people have become worshipers of Jehovah in such a short time if not directed by Jehovah's spirit. What other religious organization has grown to the extent that J.W.'s have. Who else is following "The Way" as Jesus instructed? What other religious group is carrying out and fulfilling Matthew 24:14 & 28:19,20? None!!! Over the years I've been in the truth, (55 to be exact) there have been many apostates. Most with a high level of intelligence and with the ability to speak very persuasively. Some even using the very same arguments as you. Always pointing out the imperfections of our brothers and the changes they felt were wrong. It's always been the same. Some even start their own religions and have followers and try to hold on to some of the truth. A person like that, who professed to be of the anointed, stumbled my grandmother & she discontinued her Bible study after it had taken my mother many years to get her to study. The best legacy my mother left me was to teach me the truth. I'm so thankful to Jehovah that Mom & brother **** carefully instilled in me a love for truth and the organization that Jehovah is using. I pray that my loyalty will never falter. If we look closely, the devil will give us much to question, he will point out many faults for us to ponder over and even come back often at other convenient times. But he can only affect us if we stop trusting in Jehovah and If we take away our loyalty. I remember when brother Franz's nephew left Bethel. He was on TV and I had no idea he had become apostate. He started out talking about the truth and we were amazed! No announcement had been made about a TV appearance, yet there he was, a sign with his name on it and stating he was from the Watchtower society. He was so articulate and firm in his conviction. Then all of a sudden he started to sound just as you did. Talking about changing teachings and how he had tried to direct the brothers but no one would listen. Quoting worldly sources and trying to defame our brothers who had served Jehovah loyally. I quickly turned the TV off at that point, but I thought of those who would be influenced by him. He even had a spread in "LIFE" magazine & the friends had to be counseled not to buy it because he benefited from the royalties.

    ******., before this system is over, many more apostate are going to arise, finding fault. And they will, because even though this is Jehovah's organization, it is still functioning with imperfect man. Didn't Jesus warn us abut the "man of lawlessness? Think back to the apostle Paul's day. Remember Demas and others who treated Paul disrespectfully? The same is true today. There are many who are disrespectful of the faithful slave. Please don't become one of them ******. Don't leave Jehovah ******. As the apostle Peter said to Jesus,..."Lord, where will we go away to?" This is Jehovah's organization ****** doubt about it!! I think that because of experiencing so many negative things in working within the congregation, you are letting yourself be overcome. Pray to Jehovah and sincerely ask Him to fortify you and bring back the love you had for Him when you dedicated your life to do his will. How can you cast that all aside? What about <wife> and the children? Do you not care bout them? Or have you persuaded <wife> to agree with you. I pray you haven't. If you continue in this way, you will be disfellowshipped!! The thought brings me to my knees. Your dad & I both have literally gotten ill over your condition.

    I see more clearly now, why you stepped aside, why you wear the beard and have left off your field ministry.

    Please keep in mind ****** what the scriptures say about rebelliousness....."rebelliousness is the same as the sin of divination, and pushing ahead presumptuously the same as [using] uncanny power and teraphim. Since you have rejected the word of Jehovah, he accordingly rejects you"(1 Samuel 15:23) Those words were spoken to King Saul, but could apply to any of us who leave Jehovah. Think of the terrible end he came to.

    When satan can mislead us from Jehovah,.....(and remember, he was the first rebel), he tries to take us as far as possible and then when we have nothing left, he kicks you aside like garbage. That is what you become when he has used you to accomplish his purpose. Think about what you will loss if you keep on in this way. First and most importantly, you lose your relationship with Jehovah. Then you will be disfellowshipped!!! You may even put your dad & I in the position to be the ones to bring it to the attention of the congregation. ******, you know what disfellowshipping means. To be put out of Jehovah's organization and then you become satan's possession. We would no longer be able to be with you!!! We love you and dread the thought that something like that will happen!! Your children, those precious little ones, won't have the spiritual dad they so desperately need in these critical times. <wife> won't have a spiritual man to depend on and be her life's mate. Think how this will affect your sister and brother. <SISTER> has finally made her way to Jehovah and has started to build a good relationship with you. She's coming to know you, finally & now this!! <YOUR SUPER RIGHTEOUS BROTHER> will be devastated! He wants so much for the two of you to have a good relationship. I want so much to tell him what's happened to you so he could help you. He's a good spiritual man and gives of himself so much to help his brothers and his family. This is going to hurt him and <SISTER> so much if you continue in this same course. And <wife> ......what a devastation this will be for her! She's so close to you, as a wife should be. Have you considered how difficult it will become for her? What of your business. Jehovah has even blessed you in a material way but Satan can take all that away in an instant in so many ways. Trust me, it can happen.

    Satan has been able to instill the spirit of rebelliousness in you. Do you recognize it? I pray that the devil hasn't overreached you. ****** please ask Jehovah to help you remove the apostate reasonings from your heart. I see so much, why the faithful slave admonishes us not to read things that speak against the organization.

    Those sweet little children......not being helped to learn about their heavenly Father so they can learn to love Him and serve Him. You are so bound & determined to do things your way. There's a reason the scriptures tell us to train our kids from infancy.

    You asked that I respect your honesty and I'm glad you told me your true feelings, so I would know how to help you. I'm praying for you and I hope you haven't committed the unforgivable because then my prayers won't be answered.

    I love you ******, but I love Jehovah more than anyone or anything and my first loyalty is to Him. Please put yourself in His hands. Jehovah is merciful and forgiving.

    Please take this letter to heart and pray to our Father, our God and our friend.

    Accept Jehovah's faithful slave ******.

    Remember, I love you. I want the best for you, always. Mom

  • zound

    Your mum sounds sweet and loving - kind of like mine. Too bad she is controlled by watchtower.

    Such a sad letter, as that is exactly the kind of letter I am expecting - so obviously full of love, yet full of the twisted teachings and loyaltys of watchtower.

  • humbled

    She left no thing unsaid. She is eloquent.

    But the Watchtower is not God's channel of truth.

    I pray for you and your family to be steadfast and find the joy in your freedom.

  • sosoconfused

    @zound - You are so correct. Very loving woman, but the level of mind control is just insane!!! I would never have expected to hear it on this level though

  • Finkelstein

    Your mother has shown a good example of how much brainwashing a typical JWS goes through

    by the hands of the devious and corrupt Watchtower Corporation.

  • gma-tired2

    Sosoconfused, I cried when I read your moms letter. The statements she believes are from her heart are a parrot of words she has been taught by this organizarion. Why do I make this staement. I have heard the same exact words from my sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law. It amazes me how close each staement parrots the same ones I have heard over and over. If this is not brainwashing I do not brainwashing would be. My heart goes out to you, wife, children and parents. To even be put in the position to feel such a letter must be written. Follow your heart.

  • tenyearsafter

    Very persuasive letter indeed. I find it interesting how the WTS "party line" is absolutely adhered to by your Mom regarding Ray Franz. It is exactly what I would expect from my mother...blind adherence to policy despite any real evidence to the contrary. I am sorry you have to experience this from your family, and in particular, from your own mother.

  • MinisterAmos

    I particularly enjoyed the part where she describes apostates as "intelligent".

    Maybe that's why they left?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Welcome to the Matrix! It is all around you it exists in the media,politics and "cults" dressed as religions. The mind control that Watchtower has done to your mum's mind is something to marvel. It will take alot of time and love to undo the damage .Make sure you keep your family together as things will get "hairy" ,especially if the elders find out .Prepare your family for the "love" phone calls from other members of the congragation which have only one purpose to ultimetely turn your family against you ,whether they realise it or not .The Watchtower has only one thing in mind for "apostates" ,they want you out .The Shepherding the flock book ,the judicial comittees are designed to damage your credibility and destroy your family .The men behind the Watchtower are truly evil and Jesus has designed a special place for them called HELL ,that's all they deserve.Christian love ,pm me if you need any help or advice,Ray

  • Gayle

    ugh,,so sorry,, that letter is so hard and depressing. The Watchtower only blames and guilts and then their believers do the same.

    It is so wise of you to see the need to move on for your immediate family's sake. Your children and their future. Your children will be taught a better way. not perfect, but better, about unconditional love. Children deserve and need that in their early years, for their grounding and emotional security. Your children will be spared to ever receive a letter like you got. Your children can grow up without 'dread' to such an extent.

    As many of us have had to decide, now is the time to stop the 'madness.'

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