Feelings and beliefs commit robberys, rapes and war--and amputees.
Racket & snare on this forum is absolutely opposed to religion and is, I think he has said, an atheist. He is also becoming a doctor/surgeon-- a healer-- for the love of humanity. I do not know the scope of the methodology of God, ADCMS, but when you call foul on God for his limited scope could it be that love is the broader vision?
What we call "God" here-- are there limits to what this reported Being does, which of the stories told about him are true? Do you know? There are mixed accounts you know.
We all have bought into a myth at some level, ADCMS. Even you and EP. I don't know what you do for a living or do in your private time for the world's suffering, life is a struggle that keeps us busy with our own affairs. I mention S&R from this forum because he dislikes this talk of God. But even though S&R has had impatience if not contempt for my thinking on a lot of things, I feel a strong affinity for his feelings and his actions.
Are we all not wanting good things for others? If god really is in us then let's leave our disappointed expectations of the past behind. We all were deluded to some extent--and none of us knows how much.
If I pray for love and the action of love, what will you achieve if you convince me that my prayer story is bogus? I am not able to be a surgeon. And neither are a lot of us--including those who use bombs and pull triggers.
Feelings matter a lot even after a leg is healed.
The main teachings of Jesus was of love but if we want him to give us a sign now, he will disappoint: "By this all will know you are my followers, if you have love among yourselves."