Below is a paragraph portion from a Fordham University paper on the school to prison pipeline.
While many think of this phenomenon as a matter of overt racism this paper makes you strong case that it is not a matter of personal motive or buyers by people in authority but rather institutional structures that create cycles per by parents and children in communities of color fail.
silentbuddha’s and Grrreat Teacher’s (Education begins in the home with responsible parents. It can't change as long as there are inadequate parents - it's very sad but reality.—GT)experiences of school cite first hand that poor students of color flounder and often fail. This 43 page footnoted look at these stunted communities is important to the matter.
The pipeline's sorting dimension encompasses policies and practices that stratify students into social hierarchies which determine their chances of being pushed out of school and incarcerated. At a macro level, students are sorted through housing policies and practices that result in racially seg- regated communities, Macro-sorting contributes to the pipeline by locating students of color in underachieving schools that entail disproportionately high pushout and incarceration rates. Students are also stratified at a micro-level through education policies and practices, such as standardized testing and tracking, that racially segregate students within schools.