Simon is SPECIFICALLY talking about the fall outs between board members based on the premise that a poster has lied about personal details, is misrepresenting themselves or is seeking in some way to exploit other board members either in an emotional or financial way. He also mentions newbies and highlights that it would be better to be welcoming to them, rather than accusing of them.
He is not talking about differing opinions on subject matters, or the right to express your opinion.
To correctly accuse Simon of being in a 'glass house' you need to look back at threads involving Trevorgate, RichieRich or the latest 'accusing of posters based soap type threads'.............I think you may find far less mud to sling, but rather a balanced approach to such drama's as emphasised in his comments on this thread about not becoming quite so involved.
Please let the debates on religon, politics or whatever continue with all the passion of previous times.