Good Very Hello,
I am not a JW but have had the pleasure of reading, studying and associating to a small degree. I have been reading with interest the societies involvement in the UN as NGO. I can say this, Jesus teaches me to "observe the things they command, but not the way they do". I cannot quote scriptures very well but I am understanding the principles involved. He was talking about how the religious leaders were making it hard for people with thier many rules, commands and such. I would rather that the institution deal with the issues that are to big for me. We are supposed to pray for those who have rule over us also as those powers are ordained by Jehovah for watch over us. In spite of the division this issue is causing in the body of believers, I have to ask myself, "Where else will I go"? Truly I have never heard such truths and seen practice of faith more than I have with Jehovahs orginization. Words of life flow from this very source that is being condemed. Paul says that he is a jew which is one inwardly and that circumsicion is of the heart and not the flesh. I believe Jehovahs people are associated with his orginization but the orginization as a whole is no more than the jewish factions during the time of christ or the apostles. Sauducees, Pharisees and what have you. There were believers of jesus message at the synigogs where he went to teach as well as dissenters. The main fact is that whatever the reason for thier association with this UN, that the benifits are for you and me and that it in no way changes your salvation. Paul had made the claim that he was a roman citizen when he was being delivered up and used the law and association he had as a roman citizen to defend his faith. He was claiming to belong to a system of things that was directly opposed to Jehovahs Kingdom! To say Jehovah would not use the UN for his purpose would be to say that we don't understand how he works. The message I believe is the same and changes nothing as far as I can see. Until I am directed to break one of Jehovahs commandments, I must give my support and prayers to Jehovahs body of believers. Give unto ceaser the things that belong to ceaser and to god the things that belong to god. Please excuse my spelling as it is only a reflection I hope of only my scholastic abilities. Give Praise to Jehovah for these wonderful days before us and the coming of his kingdom rule forever.
With Kindest Regards In Jehovah,
Stephen C.