Yes that is correct. The triangle on Peter's hand is what I am trying to point out. It was no easy feat getting Peter's hand behind the triangle but in front of the pharisee. Y'all might want to try that some time. Anyway here is the bible verse that describes the second picture (and 3rd)
69 Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard; and a servant girl came up to him, saying: “You, too, were with Jesus the Gal·i·le´an!” 70 But he denied it before them all, saying: “I do not know what you are talking about.” 71 After he had gone out to the gatehouse, another girl noticed him and said to those there: “This man was with Jesus the Naz·a·rene´.” 72 And again he denied it, with an oath: “I do not know the man!” 73 After a little while those standing around came up and said to Peter: “Certainly you also are one of them, for, in fact, your dialect gives you away.” 74 Then he started to curse and swear: “I do not know the man!” And immediately a cock crowed.
Now is that why Peter has his right hand raised as if to swear an oath??. If that is the case then the WTS subliminaly wants you to know that Peter swore upon the triangle. I know it is a stretch of the imagination but maybe the artwork is deliberately done that way
Oh that "penis " pop up. Well that is my jest
Also note the last pic looks a bit sharper than the first two. that is because I sharpened the last pic in photoshop.