When I was in the "truth" all the WTS dates just were part of my everday thinking. Now that I have deprogrammed myself I can clearly see that I was part of an evil cult. Just thinking about those stinking dates makes me want to vomit
1. 1914 end of gentile times and end of Christendom (Its still here)
2. 1918 was when Jesus had an inspection tour of the Watchtower Society organization. Jesus approved and said "by gosh I can't think of a better bunch to represent me"
3. 1919 was when Jesus approved of the "faithful and discreet slave" (formerly known as the faithful and wise servant) Jesus had alot of belongings including some posh ones in crooklyn .
4. 1935 was when the door to heaven was closed forever. I did not know that heaven had a door and why was it closed in 1935? There is no scriptural support for that.
Sprinkled in between these dates are others, such as the dates of the Cedar Point Ohio conventions where Rutherford claims the dates of the these conventions fulfilled bible prophecy. This is of course hogwash and only proves that Rutherford was a mad egomaniac bent on elevating himself to prophet status.
These are only a few dates that the WTS can't change. They are set in stone forever and ever. It is these dates and others that are destabilizing the WTS and cracking it's foundation. (example: generation change in 1995) I wish Jehovah's Witnesses would wake up and see that the WTS are a bunch of evil lying bastards with the intent of world domination by cultism.