Oh, someday you'll say, "the hell with it all," and you'll go off and play some golf or shoot some pool or some damn fun thing instead of spending time on the wtbts. Until then, knock yourself out! Don't second guess yourself. If it's becoming a real problem someone in your family will mention it to you.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
Do I have PTSD. I comment on three exjw blogs almost everyday
by trujw ini guess i have issues.
or am i just soo awesome.
please don't tell me i am becoming danny hazzards twin.
Improving Critical Thinking Skills
by GloomySunday ini'm out of the jw religion, but still have trouble thinking critically.
when i was in, i had no idea what a logical fallacy was, i used all sorts of false arguments, yes, even "if man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?".
i would fall for just about everything.
It takes a while to change the way you think. I had to read a lot, surround myself with sane people and make a lot of mistakes. It was all worth it to be able to think clearly, spot bullshit, and know WHY it's bullshit.
Lurkers/faders in the US - a heads up on next week's service meeting (Warwick HQ project to be discussed)
by cedars inhi folks.
atlantis has very kindly let me see a copy of the aug 21, 2013 letter to all bodies of elders in the united states.. they are being instructed to re-organize the service meeting for the week commencing september 2nd (next week) to include a special recruitment talk to attract skilled volunteer workers for the new warwick hq.. an interesting feature of the letter is its comparison of the project with nehemiah's rebuilding of the walls of jerusalem.
considering the relocation of hq is financially motivated more than anything, the analogy is more than a little bewildering.. here is a scan of the opening comments of the two-page outline, to be given in the next local needs item.... .
skinnedsheep -- cool!
How to catch a kangaroo!
by dazed but not confused in.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6p1vf_7dola" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
was that a young kangaroo or a wallaby? Hortensia of the ignorant-about-australia class
Do you or yours have heart disease?
by compound complex inwe are growing older and have developed illnesses we never imagined would touch us.
if you (or a family member or acquaintance) have been diagnosed with heart disease .
1) what was your reaction to the diagnosis?
1) What was your reaction to the diagnosis? Relief. I've had atrial fibrillation my whole life, my mother called it "palpitations," and put it down to nerves. I finally started being treated at age 43! 2) Have you gotten another opinion? Every doctor I've seen, gen. practitioners and cardiologists, agree, atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation eventually develops into congestive heart failure, so I've got that now, too. 3) Did you feel rushed into proposed tests and treatment? I was grateful to finally have a good cardiac workup. There's nothing wrong with tests. They give you more accurate information to deal with. 4) Have you sought alternative therapy? Alternative therapy doesn't really do enough for all my stuff. I eat my veggies, fruit, grains, that sort of thing. Try to get enough exercise. But the best medicine for me has been to move to Mt. Shasta, away from all the stress and responsibility I had before. My ejection fraction was 35% when I moved here. It is 55% now, which I attribute to the meds I take and the lack of stress. 5) Other thoughts or experiences? My atrial fibrillation is chronic, I've had two cardioversions but the results lasted less than a week. It's just part of my life. I keep my blood pressure at low-normal, don't have diabetes, take my meds -- for which I am very grateful -- and work on getting enough exercise. That's my recommendation, take the meds, eat as well as you can, reduce stress, get some exercise ---- and come visit me in Mt. Shasta! My sofa is available to any of you heart sufferers. We can mosey around the mountain and laugh a lot. J'ai essayé d'apprendre à parler français. C'est un processus lent. C'est amusant, though. Hortensia du cœur ETA -- sorry it's all jumbled into one paragraph!
unless, of course, you catch one of them coming out of a cheap motel with a sleazy prostitute, like that famous minister who was caught with his pants down in Indio, California
I bet they'd sic the lawyers on you pdq and you'd be facing charges of harassment, which, indeed, is what it would be
Getting ready for Winter... This guy does a beautiful job of splitting fire wood.
by LoisLane looking for Superman in.
we have been searching the net trying to find the best, most successful way of splitting fire wood.. this guy puts the wood into a small tire, for safety, and it stays in one place.. just lois.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jdr_2zsr40 .
Ummm, wood fire. People heat with wood here, too. They use a lot of cedar, because we have lots of cedar trees around here obviously. It makes the entire town smell like incense. Wonderful.
My Jimi Hendrix experience
by confusedandalone inas a 13 year old a friend of mine had a jimi hendrix record and told me if we play it backwards that they said words.
he bought the record from a shop not far from where we lived and we were the only family that still had a record player.
so we played the record and i spun it backwards andnothing happened.
I like "All Along the Watchtower" too. My mother wouldn't let me sing "Puff the Magic Dragon." I still roll my eyes over that one.
Tough Day At The Office In Japan
by metatron inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/raptor-chase-prank-in-japan-2013-8.
He didn't notice the velociraptor was wearing jeans!