JoinedTopics Started by Hortensia
CoCo, anyone heard from him lately?
by Hortensia inhas anyone heard from/about coco lately?
i wonder how he is doing, hope he is recovering well from his heart attack.
Happy birthday Hortensia and Elvis
by Hortensia inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=093gjycdg-4.
How to Hear God's Voice Easily and Effectively: A Book Review
by Hortensia inhttp://smile.amazon.com/hear-gods-voice-easily-effectively-ebook/dp/b00nplbit8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=utf8&qid=1420441456&sr=8-2&keywords=how+to+hear+god%27s+voice.
i think perhaps this book doesn't really examine the issue in depth.
for instance, my niece suggests that the first necessary step to hearing god's voice is to skip your meds.. i'm sure we could all come up with better ways than the namby-pamby stuff recommended in this book that would enable anyone to hear god's voice.. a very tight necktie, for instance.. playing modern christian music backwards, while drinking mogen david.. instead of skipping your meds, in some cases it works better to double your meds.. wear a tin-foil pyramid hat.
Merry Whatever lights up your winter
by Hortensia ini hope you get to enjoy the lights and sounds and food of winter.
life after the wtbts
by Hortensia inyou can't move forward to a new, more interesting, possibly much happier life, if you're still looking behind at the former life.. there is so much obsession on here about what the wtbts is doing, and discussing all the forms of injustice and bullshit in the wtbts, or how to bring down the wtbts.
yes, their doctrines are crazy and they are a cult and cruel to boot.
move on.
What do you want for Christmas?
by Hortensia init's ok to share your xmas wishes here -- none of us is going to buy you anything, anyway!.
i have a list of books on my wishlist at amazon, some about critical thinking, some about knitting, some about yurok indian basketry.
i wouldn't mind getting any of those.
This is scarier than climate change
by Hortensia inhttp://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-30197085.
let's just make a bad situation worse, ok?.
wanted: irreligious old fart with a brain, who likes road trips and coffee
by Hortensia ini find they don't have a category for that on eharmony or match.com.
i wonder why?.