Farkel, I pioneered in San Diego in the 70s. It's a big place, though, with lots of congregations, but it would be cool if you are someone I used to know. I worry about some of the folks I knew back then, wonder what happened to them and whether they made it out of the org. There were a small bunch of us of about the same age in our cong. and we pioneered together.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
Were Any of You Part of the L.A. JW Party Scene in the Late 60s/Early 70s?
by DNCall inif you were, you'll remember how happening it was..
Boy is this young woman in for a surprise
by confusedandalone inhttp://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/why-a-former-model-is-covering-up-for-love-182140949.html.
this poor woman was a victoria secret model.
she gave it up to become a muslim.
You're joking, right Bangalore?
It is a serious mistake for a Western woman to marry into Islam and move to the middle east. I have never seen it work out well. She may be marrying for love, but the man she is marrying absolutely does not see things the way she does, and she is moving far away from help, to a place where her husband will have total control over her life. Her in-laws will make her life hell.
Was Your Leaving The Witnesses A Very Gradual Process Or A Quick One?
by minimus infor me, it took many years.. even when i would read all the changes over the years from the "truth", i still would ignore it and "wait on jehovah" and try to be a positive force in the congregation.. eventually, i just couldn't take it anymore and resigned as an elder, and slowly but surely made my fade.. what about you?
were you out, in a short or longer time?
That "generation" WT in 95 must have been a doozy. I was out a long time by then, so never read it. Glad it was the impetus that caused a lot of you to start thinking and get the hell out!
I'm afraid I didn't do any thinking at all until I was no longer attending meetings and associating with JWs. As I felt better, I started reading and thinking.
Letter From My Mother: Moire insane Watchtower Rhetoric
by confusedandalone inagain, i apologize to any who think i may be going overboard posting these letters, but i am hoping that i can help prepare others for the type of bombardment that they may face when dealing with mentally diseased witness parents who have no idea just how much control this cult has over them:.
august 19, 2013. dear <my name removed> & <my wifes name removed>, .
i had the privilege of attending the convention this weekend for a second time and i must say that i enjoyed it more than the first.
I'm glad that manipulative stuff doesn't sway you. Critical thinking skills are quite useful, aren't they?
My mother asked me once why I wouldn't go back to the KH. I said, "I don't believe any of it. I don't believe the bible." She asked if I would ever change my mind and I said, "no point in discussing it, mom. I won't change my mind."
Of course, my mother practiced avoidance of problems to a great degree. She simply never mentioned it again and we went on as before.
You're getting the full drama, aren't you? And you notice how throughout the letter she's the good guy and you and your wife are the bad guys? She even played the "I gave birth to you" card.
I vote. I volunteer on election day as an election officer. I joined a political party. I think it's all fun and interesting, if a little frustrating at the state and national levels.
"My brain NEEDS a good washing!!!"
by bytheirworks inhave you ever heard a jw say, after someone calls them brain washed, that: "well, my brain needs a good washing???".
share your account & experiences.
I don't remember that one. But, I've often thought about another one: "an open mind is like a garbage disposal. It accepts everything." That, of course, totally discounts the possibility of learning to be a critical thinker.
Was Your Leaving The Witnesses A Very Gradual Process Or A Quick One?
by minimus infor me, it took many years.. even when i would read all the changes over the years from the "truth", i still would ignore it and "wait on jehovah" and try to be a positive force in the congregation.. eventually, i just couldn't take it anymore and resigned as an elder, and slowly but surely made my fade.. what about you?
were you out, in a short or longer time?
I was severely depressed for a couple of years. Then one day I moved, for other reasons, and I simply never went to the KH again. Only one elder ever tracked me down, just to tell me that his wife didn't have any friends without me. Nothing I could about that.
However, it took some time to get the JW conditioning out of my mind. Counseling helped. Reading a lot about science helped. Just living in the world with normal, sane people helped.
"Whether These Appear Sound From a Strategic or Human Standpoint or Not." - What do YOU think?
by jw07 inhttp://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20131115/seven-shepherds-eight-dukes/.
paragraph 17.
"at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
Did someone mention Jonestown? Or those true believers down in San Diego who thought a space ship was waiting for them behind the Hale-Bopp comet?
If you're in the bathtub, what is the noose connected to? Is it metaphorical?
I hope that by now you have gone to an emergency room or called a suicide hotline. I hope you check in again soon, although if you're in the hospital that isn't likely right now.
Please Share one of your Favourite Quotations
by cofty inhave you ever come across words that resonate with you?
it doesn't have to be a great gem of wisdom, just something that is meaningful to you.. please share, and if you want to, tell us why it's meaningful to you.. here is something that made me nod when i first read it.... .
"fortunate are those who have learned to see, in the wild things of nature, something to be loved, something to be wondered at, something to be reverenced, for they have found the key to a never-failing source of recreation and refreshment".
My mother used to say interesting stuff. One of her favorite sayings was, "some days results, other days consequences." I like that one, some days we make progress, other days we screw up and have to fix things. It shouldn't discourage us too much when we're dealing with consequences of poor decisions. We learn a lot by fixing our own mistakes.
I think I've told you all many times about the saying that got me out of the wtbts. I saw a bumper sticker that said, "since I gave up hope I feel better." I saw it very soon after I heard a Sunday talk at the KH about the "spiritual man and the fleshly man." I realized I was fleshly according to that speaker, and according to the wtbts, screwed. I laughed when I saw the bumper sticker, but it rang true. Giving up the wtbts hope made me feel better instantly. And it didn't take long for me to see that their hope is false anyway, a fantasy that will never happen.