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JoinedPosts by Hortensia
A Surprizing Op-Ed By Putin !
by metatron in
the world has turned upside down.
the leader of russia recommends peace, good sense and godly behavior while us leaders preach an obsession with war, amateurishly fumble diplomacy, and embarrass their nation in front of the world.. this is one of the greatest wtf moments of my life!
on the other hand, he's thinking about taking children away from gay couples and putting anyone who mentions homosexuality in prison.
How was your day?
by Hortensia inwhat i posted on facebook i'll share here too:.
well, here's what happens when you don't attend meetings.
the community garden group elected me "compost captain" in absentia.
That gave me a good laugh!
BTW, it's Captain Compost, Ma'am!
How was your day?
by Hortensia inwhat i posted on facebook i'll share here too:.
well, here's what happens when you don't attend meetings.
the community garden group elected me "compost captain" in absentia.
profiter de votre promenade avec le chien et regarder dehors pour ces grands félins
I still have to look up lots of words, but I did practice reading a travelogue about Brittany today and understood about half the words.
Lucy and her diamonds reminded me of this, Caliber:
How was your day?
by Hortensia inwhat i posted on facebook i'll share here too:.
well, here's what happens when you don't attend meetings.
the community garden group elected me "compost captain" in absentia.
I bet this major NBA guy is quite humble, and doesn't have much of an ego, eh?
I looked up "yaughts" and found it in the urban dictionary online. That would make for a "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" sort of day.
BTW, you can all now address me as Captain Compost Ma'am!
Members who spam threads with the same post over and over
by Apognophos inhow do you guys feel about someone who gets an idea in his head that we want to hear the same phrase, often a nonsensical one, repeated in a dozen or more threads which may not have anything to do with the phrase in question?
it seems to me that we already have a rule, #5, about this..
from the Urban Dictionary:
1. yaught Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on more 17 up, 3 down A yaught is when you have a water bottle with water in the bottom of it and a hole on the side for a tube, just like a water bottle bong. The tube has to be the same size as a cigarette. Put the cigarette into the tube and cut a bit off with a razor blade. Take the tube and press the cigarette end onto chopped up weed and pack it down on top of the cigarette. Put the tube with the cigarette and weed into the hole in the bottle. Light the tip of the weed and brew until all of the weed/cigarette is burned. Pull the burnt stuff through into the bottle and take it all in one hit, should give you a crazy head buzz "Hey man, i only got a tiny bit of weed left, we should go hit yaughts" I knew it had to be about pot. My JW mother was sure that everything she didn't understand was evil and really about pot or sex. She was very suspicious.
Done spamming now.
Members who spam threads with the same post over and over
by Apognophos inhow do you guys feel about someone who gets an idea in his head that we want to hear the same phrase, often a nonsensical one, repeated in a dozen or more threads which may not have anything to do with the phrase in question?
it seems to me that we already have a rule, #5, about this..
For instance, I find this entry from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary very funny:
The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
- haggis
- Agulhas
- Hyades
- Guayas
There's no such word as yaughts, so go look up haggis! Doesn't that make you laugh? It's such a non sequitur.
Members who spam threads with the same post over and over
by Apognophos inhow do you guys feel about someone who gets an idea in his head that we want to hear the same phrase, often a nonsensical one, repeated in a dozen or more threads which may not have anything to do with the phrase in question?
it seems to me that we already have a rule, #5, about this..
It seems a little childish, but I can relate. No one gets my sense of humor either. Have you ever been in a movie theater laughing your head off until you realize no one else is laughing?
How was your day?
by Hortensia inwhat i posted on facebook i'll share here too:.
well, here's what happens when you don't attend meetings.
the community garden group elected me "compost captain" in absentia.
"I love you, I adore you. What more do you want?"
Je veux apprendre le français un peu plus vite.
and "veux" is a devil of a word to pronounce
What gives you away as a (former) JW?
by perfect1 inthese days my jw past stay safely under wraps from nearly everyone.. i dont dig it up- and i see no need to talk about it with anyone.. sometimes i feel as if my past is a large and terrible secret, and i will be found out eventually.
people can sense i am different.
i never talk about my family.. i guess people chalk it up to being a private person or let me be a mystery.. however, there is one thing that i feel completely reveals me as having been raised a jehovahs witness:.
I can't/don't remember birthdays. Unless someone makes a point of reminding me, I forget about them.