Hi Jules,
I hope you duck all that brainwashing thrown
all over the place at JWs meetings.
Wishing you happiness, Emyrose
JoinedPosts by emyrose
hello everyone
by shorty inhi everyone well i have actually been in the chat room lots but this the first actual time i posted there isnt much to my story io am still a witness although it has been hard at times.
my dad and my step-mom are in the truth but i live with my real mom who is disfellowshiped.
i keep going to the meetings.
Is Singleness a Blessing? Sometimes
by wasasister inthis post is rather personal, but it may help those who lurk, so if you will all please bear with me?.
not long ago, i visited the town where i grew up, got baptized and married, gave birth to both my daughters.
its a smallish town and among the witness population, everyone knows everyone.
Hi Wasasister,
You sound like a mighty strong lady, I hope you keep posting
your thoughts. They are like thunder showers to to flickering
flames of dispair and fear, which our souls burn from.
I think most men would jump at the chance to date you, if they
knew your mind. I hope to be as strong as you some day.
Wishing you continued happiness,
Emyrose -
Emotional Bankruptcy after the Tower
by Esmeralda in"in many ways, poverty is a state of mind.
emma bromon, ~founder of liberty house, a halfway house in new orleans for homeless girls with children, or who are pregnant.. this quote inspired me tonight, on an evening where i certainly needed to feel inspired by something.
it made me question the way that i feel sometimes, that sickening out of control emotion that keeps me awake some nights.. nights like last night.. the feeling that carries over into days like today, .
Bravo Esmeralda, Bravo!
I love your poetic writing, I spot some of my thoughts
in them. I've been suffering anxiety attacks lately, and
sometimes experience the darkness you describe.
Oprah, would tell us to find our passions. I see
that you are a very passionate soul, so maybe this is
the source you must look to for happiness and peace.
Emyrose -
Hi Joelbear,
I feel for you. I've also had a lousy family that
has caused me much pain. I hated them for many years. But then I just said to myself, f..it,I'm not going to let them ruin my live anymore. I decided to love them again and feel compassion for them. I say feel because when I see them they always get on my nerves and I end up being nasty to them. Part of me is still disgusted w/ them, but hey so what. Live and let live. You need to concentrate
on yourself now, not narrowing your existence to being a son. Work on
being whatever other roles you have or want in life. Life must be hard
enough being gay, so don't let your family turn you into miserable soul. Don't let them stop you from loving them, cause it sounds like you still do. Also don't let ignorant and dogmatic views about homosexuality and God prevent you from praying if that's what you
want to do. I believe God loves us all, no matter what, even JWs.
Wishing you happiness, Emyrose -
by patio34 inon the subject of prayer: this is addressed to the more atheistic or agnostic ones amongst us.. now, all those years i prayed really hard when times were tough, and then things worked out.
i now believe it was my own hard work that gave the solutions.
prayer was helpful in that i felt i had help.
No Hippikon, I'm not making it up as I go along.
Although I see your point about how too many things
left unanswered can lead to serious doubts about GOD.
Yet, isn't that where faith comes in? When I was a JW
I used stay up reading,researching and pondering such questions.
What I found is that even though we know little about
God's actions and plans, we know enough to know he is there.
Emyrose -
by patio34 inon the subject of prayer: this is addressed to the more atheistic or agnostic ones amongst us.. now, all those years i prayed really hard when times were tough, and then things worked out.
i now believe it was my own hard work that gave the solutions.
prayer was helpful in that i felt i had help.
I think he has gotten involved w/ big and small issues. Think about
the many ways life on earth could be worse. Just because he helped me w/ my problem and has not helped that poor JW lady does not mean that he does not care. Some of us suffer more
and differently than others. Okay, but that doesn't mean he cares
less about some persons. We don't know why he allows manys things.
However, here we are today enjoying life, even w/ all that pain that
comes along with it.
EMyrose -
by patio34 inon the subject of prayer: this is addressed to the more atheistic or agnostic ones amongst us.. now, all those years i prayed really hard when times were tough, and then things worked out.
i now believe it was my own hard work that gave the solutions.
prayer was helpful in that i felt i had help.
Hi Hippikon,
Oh no, I'm not sensitive about analyzing anything.
I love to learn and have enjoyed reading this thread.
I think everyone here has imp. and valid points.
I just don't agree w/ all of them. As far as the truth
table I mentioned, I'm afraid I don't have it handy; I
only remember that absolute truth is mostly beyond
human understanding. Thus, no one can really proof
concretely that God does not exist.
I often think about those starving kids in Africa,
and think about how fortunate I am. But I do not think that
God loves me more because I have food. But just because famine and
other tradegies occur does not mean that God is not caring.
Maybe all those poor victims go to heaven after dying. My intention
is only to have faith that God exists, not force you to believe w/ me.
Emyrose -
by patio34 inon the subject of prayer: this is addressed to the more atheistic or agnostic ones amongst us.. now, all those years i prayed really hard when times were tough, and then things worked out.
i now believe it was my own hard work that gave the solutions.
prayer was helpful in that i felt i had help.
Hi guys,
Excuse me for answering, I'm a believer.
In my logic class in college the prof.
once showed us a truth table that showed
that it is better or more logical to
believe in God, because the fact that
you can't prove he does not exist leaves us with
the real possibility that he does exist.
But I see your point about relying on ourselves.
And yet we would go crazy if we were all alone.
Where would we be w/o friends and loved ones?Two weeks ago I was on the subway and had the worst
panic attack ever, I thought I was going to choke
and die right there. I prayed to God to send me someone
to talk to immediately, the next thing I know a friend
from school walks by, who happens to be one of the sweetest
persons I know. My panic attack left as we spoke to each other.I've had similar experiences througout my life, and this is
why I am compelled to believe in God.
No offense intended, Emyrose -
by openminded ini am reviewing my notes for a psych.
exam and am going over the syptoms of mental illness and schizophrenia in particular.
i am noticing something that may be well known to most of you educated folks.. symptom 1. delusions of grandour(god has me on his speed dial)(miracle wheat).
Yet another reason why college is banned or
stimagtized as full of dangerous ideas that
may stumble JW sheep.
Emyrose -
Facing JW-philosophy demons
by emyrose inalthough i left jw's 7yrs ago.
i am now really starting to suffer emotionally and i .
think psychologically too.
Hi everyone,
Outnfree, I think everyone needs to feel special, (which
many define as being important) not just JWs. We
all are important to someone, hopely to ourselves too.
But my problem, I think, is that I've not broken free from
the brainwashing yet. I still hear that voice telling me that I
am selfish for this and that, and that they are selfish for this
and the other. Misery has resulted from this. I know we should be more forgiving and compassionate of other. I just was not taught to
practice this in the Org. But reading about everyone else's pain and struggle has made me calm down. Although I still get panic attacks,
I feel happy these days because I realize I'm normal and not some
crazy, weak or retarded ex-cultee. You guys have really made a difference!
Your friend, Emyrose