Congratulations to you both
I hope you have many more years to come.
hello my friends .
well, i just wanted to share our special day with you guys too , because you folks have become close like family to us !
for mrs. flipper and myself being in our late 40's, early 50's, with all the challenges we had over the years before we met, being with the wrong people who took advantage of our kindness when we were both in other relationships , we truly do feel it is a miracle that her and i finally found each other later in life and found real happiness in a marriage.
Congratulations to you both
I hope you have many more years to come.
hello friends,.
for those of you that do not know my situation, i am an alcoholic that fell off the wagon this weekend.
oh boy do i feel bad!
I'm glad that you called your sponsor for help.
Asking for help is so hard to do.
Take care
This don't work for ozzie codes :(
hello folks .
as other posters have mentioned , i feel , too , that this is something that needs to be kept in the forefront of practicing jehovah's witnesses minds , as they will never hear about these settlements from their elders or governing body.
so , you folks know me well enough that i don't have a shy bone in my body , and if i see an opportunity i will take it.
Well Done Mr. Flipper *applaudes*
I hope you have put a seed of doubt in this mans head.
I'm glad you are able to confront them about this.
I never knew that this did happen amongst the JW's till i came on JWD so its great that it is getting out there.
I wonder how many JW's who are in going react with this new article that will be out soon and have been abused by fellow JW's.
I wonder if Bill Bowen is known here in Australia?
did you typically "fudge" your report??
i did.
A few months before i left i just put down what i thought would be enough to keep them off my back, i do remember one of the elders asking why my hours were so low, for the life of me dont know what i said.
When i moved congs i never filled out any reports.
So no i wasn't accurate with my reports
basically, i was forced into it.
believe me, baptism was the last thing i wanted to do.
but i was already in my early twenties, and the rank and file were like why don't you get baptised!
To be accepted.
yesterday was the day - that my marriage of over 10 1/2 years to my jw wife was dissolved....finally.... - i am in a terrific mood today!
my wife and i have joint physical and legal custody of the kids which is awesome!
she doesn't make them go to meetings or go out in service and she has to allow all extra carricular activities.
Hi Billzfan,
Glad things have come out ok.
Have fun with your time with the kids.,
Enjoy life
Take care
i just wrote about my life between 11 and 12......i am now 48 years old.
it came back to me in huge drowning waves that i cannot describe.
the anger, depression, humiliation..... do any of us ever get to recover totally?
I think the soul heals, but the scar tissue is still there. All can be going fine, then you get zapped by seeing a JW, or a past memory. I guess we will be processing what happened for the rest of our lives.
So true some times it can be a passing thought or memory that can get brought back.
I have been out for about 13 years i have been ok with it for the majority of this time but until late last year when i found JWD and other issues had come about i was a mess again but it was a good mess as i was finally been able to put things into place and perspective.
But ranting and venting here is good
didn't know if this has been addressed before , but it's kinda interesting.
when we were witnesses we were always told,oh!
don't look at horoscopes or read anything about your sign because it's demonized !
and my partner he's a taurus
i know it's a touchy subject, but anyone here has ever thought of suicide while they were still in the organization?
it seem to me that jehovah's witnesses have a much higher rate of suicide than the rest of the population.
i contemplated suicide myself when i was struggling to get piece of my life back together after being raised as a "perfect little jw" when i was young.
This is a hard one.
Only a few months a go one of the guys i used to havng out with committed suicide leaving a young family:(
But i know of the cong that i grew up in there have been 5 in the last 10 years.
Personally no not whilst i was a jw i did suffer from depression but only realising it on later year i guess it was more out of mere frustration.
I have been well since i had left.
Though after i had my son in 04 i deveoped post natal depression really bad, it took them nearly 12 months to get things right with me and then another 6 months for it to work, there were a few occasions that i just didn't want to live any more... It was scarry when i came out of it. I couldn't believe that i could think like that. The only thing that kept me alive was who would look after my kids and that i wouldn't see them grow up.
Now i am happy and not stressed any more and things are going our way. I'm even been off medication ( i hate taking tablets of any kind) for the last few months and have been able to get back to work again.
Life is great.