In SoCal I know a medical-billing and MIS information professional who quit her job because this group of surgeons wanted her to work beyond the 30 hours she agreed to work. They thought it not be practical to pay another Workers Compensation premium because she would not work 40 to 45 hrs and this Surgical Center said she could work from home to get everything done and they would rather pay her 5+ hours of overtime than hire someone new and add more Social Security premiums and health insurance too.
She quit the job, they used her on the local Circuit Assembly drama as the perfect faith of a JW who would not live to this System's Full, she quit and Regular Pioneered because "She knew Jehovah would provide her with the perfect job". If you know anything about Medical and the Insurance businesses, her skills are in the highest demand, she could have walked across the street and got hired instantly for $18+ an hour(plus signing bonus). Knowing these are three to four jobs doctors and medical professionals save cash by not hiring additional help.
1. Medical Management Information Systems, that's a killer degree standing out on it's own, average wages are $60k+ for experienced professionals.
2. Medical Billing and Coding Expert, they make $16 a hour easily if their skilled and kick ass, she was very good before the Cult got inside her brain.
3. Medical Documentation, all the tons of paperwork and information the Insurance Companies and Workers Compensation Carriers want, every doctor who's busy has his assistant tag along with a computer or Ipad plugging in all the codes and updates on each patient. $12-$16 a hour and doctors are notoriously as cheap as dentist when it comes to paying their staff.
4. Executive Secretary skills, there's another $12 a hour, so why did she wait so long to find another job?
A single JW Female who was not the best looking woman but very smart used that time to Pioneer and brag about "putting the Kingdom first". How do they get away with such dishonesty, what about all the JWs who don't have any skills quitting their jobs?
5. How many Elders did you know who went out of town for work and nobody said anything about their habitual absentees? We had Elders doing State "Prevailing Wage" Construction jobs, building big jobs making $40+ because they had to work when work was there. These Elders are the smart ones, they are going to retire with great benefits because they did not listen to the advice of the Governing Body and set themselves up to be a Pauper! T
The Watchtower's job is to make any feel bad about themselves as they laugh all the way to the bank like L. Ron Hubbard! Scrape all the tiny pieces of value their sheep have and leave them destitute while telling people to "Come to Bethel and work as a Nurse" to wipe the asses off of Old Timer JWs as Missionary Work! These same idiots who don't visit their elderly JW parents will rush to Bethel and change Depends, scrub floors so their perceived as Righteous before mankind! How do you explain all the JWs who neglect their parents while heading off and doing JW Work?