You tellin' me that the little ole county of Somerset, the land of the cider drinking yokels in smocks, went and beat mighty Australia?
Gordon Bennet! We'll be beating 'em at rugby next!
Anyone there?
england 179-8. australia 79 all out in 14 overs.
bring it on
You tellin' me that the little ole county of Somerset, the land of the cider drinking yokels in smocks, went and beat mighty Australia?
Gordon Bennet! We'll be beating 'em at rugby next!
Anyone there?
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
Englishman--do you do this every summer? I have always wanted to go to England and can't this year, but may be able to swing it next year.
Yup! We try to do something a bit different every year. We've had Irish folk, Norwegian wood and Witness poteen, next year we might try bottle walking. I'm hoping that we'll do the dance of the flaming assholes this year. Englishman.
someone just paid $50 for this brochure on ebay!!!!!
why when you can get it for free on the internet?
please, enlighten me.
Is the book still in use?
I notice that the online copy is dated 1991.
i mean a specific location that you would go to time and again to just sit and look and enjoy?
or a favorite vacation destination?.
i love the cascade mountains as example.
I took this pic a week ago. We were up in the mountains when this cloud just rolled over the top:
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
Rumour has it that a certain Mr. Steinhaugh has plans to turn up once again.
He of the "You haff ze most magnificent breasts I haff effer seen" class.
i was reading the recent posts on 2034 and was wondering... .
the 1975 debacle left the fds scrambling for explanations for the mass exodus of r&f who were disillusioned by their bs.
the pat answer has always been, "those people didn't keep pace with god's chariot" and they weren't "strong in the truth" and allowed something so "minor" to "stumble" them.
i have been reading over the forum today and something hit me.
because i don't look up everyone's histories, there are people i assumed were either male or female--partly based on their avatar and partly based on the type of comments they make.
well guess what folks--i was shocked to find out i was wrong about a few people.. does anyone else out there decide that certain posters are male or female, and then find out they're wrong?
pssssst,there is a little blue or pink symbol over there on the left under someone's name. That may help.
So there is!
I'm off to the members list to check out Gumby.
i'll tell you who was exactly the opposite of how i imagined them to be.. later... englishman.
Cheers, Ken.
The person who was totally the opposite of what I expected was Alan F. I'd sort of pictured this intelligent, serious and straight-laced American who could only discuss nuclear physics and stuff. Instead, I met this warm and extremely funny guy who could sink a few pints with the rest of them.
i'll tell you who was exactly the opposite of how i imagined them to be.. later... englishman.
I'll tell you who was exactly the opposite of how I imagined them to be.
most people have seen these havent they???.
peter kay's universal truths .
1. triangular sandwiches taste better than square ones.. .
A swan can not break your arm.
I used to work for the RSPB, and part of the job was ringing swans.
I used to heave them out of the water by grasping them just behind the head. Then you sit on 'em!