Ok here we go:
Saturday seems to be much preferred over Sunday, so this years BBQ will be held on Saturday, July 9th, commencing around 2 pm. Location is our home in Weston super Mare. As usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in The Waverley pub. I shall prevail upon the landlady to stay open until the wee small hours once again. Hopefully the weather will be good.
Everyone from the board will be welcome. Please, don't bring any grub unless you think my cooking is abysmal (Ha ha) or you're a vegetarian or a vegan or just plain insectivorious. The food is our treat, so prepare to be suitably bloated on various imaginative recipes. Beer and wine is very welcome, however. Actually, it's essential!
This is a useful site for places to stay: http://www.s-h-systems.co.uk/westonsu.html#01934636409
The guest houses in Clifton Road, Clevedon Road and Walliscote Road are very close, so walking home from the pub shouldn't be too much of an ordeal.
It should be a good event once again. Rumour has it that Norway may send an ambassador too.
Meanwhile, I'll btt this from time to time.
Looking forward to seeing lots of you again and some new faces too no doubt. If you are a newbie, you do get introduced to everyone, so don't feel shy about saying that you want to come.