Which holiday?
No doubt about it! It's SKEGNESS!
Which holiday?
No doubt about it! It's SKEGNESS!
seriously, there are more women dubs than men.
lot's more as i recall.
why would women be attracted to join such a chauvinistic, patriarchal and mysogenist religious group?
I like subtlety as part of a womans attractiveness. I don't find the hot bimbo stuff appealing at all. I think the reason that I find a womans voice attractive along with other aspects of feminity is that I actually like women. I like their company.
ok you merry cans, time to get one back at those poms!.
today's news item: .
wednesday, july 20, 2005it's official: usa are better than englandengland have been overtaken by the united states in the fifa coca-cola world rankings after dropping one place to eighth.
Umm..Ozzie deah boy. Those rankings are handicapped rankings, similar to the way that a golfing score is worked out between 2 players of differing ability. A team like the USA gets more points for a nil nil draw than England get when they win.
I mean, c'mon! Czechoslovakia are in 4th place!
divorce has always been a tricky thing in the watchtower world and has been subject of many articles in the literature.
for a year - from january 1972 until december the same year, "christian" husbands could technically screw anything with a pulse in the animal world without giving his spouse a "biblical" reason to divorce him.
the only thing he had to be careful about if having sex with humans - men or women was to use the "rear entrance".
Well, Norm all I can say is that many young dubs thought that an out of marriage blow job was OK as it didn't constitute adultery.
in one thread it said something said that dodos were wiped out in noah's flood.. did anyone say something absurd,stupid or just plain silly?.
We had one sister who eventually confessed that she didn't know who the other sheep was. Was it my Dad perhaps? Or the CO? Or even Bro Knorr?
seriously, there are more women dubs than men.
lot's more as i recall.
why would women be attracted to join such a chauvinistic, patriarchal and mysogenist religious group?
Seriously, there are more women dubs than men. Lot's more as I recall.
Am I right?
Why would women be attracted to join such a chauvinistic, patriarchal and mysogenist religious group?
It just doesn't make any sense.
is it true that the org are stopping the jwd forum from re-activating the chat room facility because it allows instant discussion rather than the stilted question / response of the threads ?
is this a sign that this site is not as distant from the org as we thougth ?
is there a paranoid in the house ?
I once got Colin to paint my windows and it didn't take THIS long
You looking for some nice cheap PVCu double glazed K glass 20 mm airgap Saracen shoot-bolt type by any chance?
i think that it works quite well.. a 50 - 50 split between 'postates and and ordinary folk at fests does have some distinct advantages imho.. plus, the 35 + never beens at the wsm fests all now know about jw's.
they know that there's more to being a dub than not having a blood transfusion.
they've met the 35 + ex's in a social situation and know all about shunning and family splitting.
I think that it works quite well.
A 50 - 50 split between 'postates and and ordinary folk at fests does have some distinct advantages IMHO.
Plus, the 35 + Never Beens at the WSM fests all now know about JW's. They know that there's more to being a dub than not having a blood transfusion. They've met the 35 + ex's in a social situation and know all about shunning and family splitting. Plus, I know for a fact that when they get called on in the "ministry work", they really let fly and tell the bewildered dub all about the special barbie they attended where they met dozens of ex-JW's in their home town and what was all this horse-shit about 1975 anyway?
Whaddya think? Is a fest comprised solely of ex-dubs just a little too intense?
Is it better to mix it?
personally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Listen, someone hurts anyone in my family and of course I'd want to kill them. However, we hand justice over to a judge and jury so that the matter can be handled with some rationality. Just because someone behaves absolutely appallingly doesn't mean that we have to act in the same way. Violence breeds violence. If it's wrong to kill then it's wrong to kill right across the board.
personally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Fry him?
Hanging's cool:
Lethal injection is so clinical..almost like going to the doctors!
Beheading ain't so bad...they do say that a severed head only remains conscious for about 30 seconds.
Yeah...let's get some vengeance here!