1) Do you consider it ethical to preach to people that they have to join a religious group that will force them to (a) lose their life due to blood issue (b) be terribly traumatized in case of sex victims and how elders typically hush this up (c) split up families over disagreements about faith?
If the governing body had a "take it or leave it" approach; like "this is our opinion, if you agree, nice, if not, also fine!" then I might agree with you. But they do not, and anyone who disagrees openly is put under enormous pressure.
2) You say you are not an advocate for the WT Society, but if you preach, then your goal is to get people baptised, which will put them under WT society control. Or do you preach to people warning them not to get baptised or otherwise they might face dire consequences listed under point 1)? I figure then the elders will want to speak to you if they hear about that. That would brand you an apostate.
3) "It is not all wrong". Well, I heard a couple of times at the meetings that 'we' should use the following illustration at the door when preaching to others: would you drink a glass of orange juice if it had only a tiny drop of deadly poison in it? The idea was to compare their religion with that; although it could have "mostly good things", but it was not acceptable to God because of the tiny drop of poison (false teachings). And now you're defending that things are not all wrong?
Such a statement is hard to refute, but I think 99% of all typical JW teachings are unscriptural or when unrelated to the Bible, just straight-out nonsense. Problem is that the Bible is inconsistent, so it depends on where you put emphasis, that defines whatever for you "truth" is. Truth is, it's inconsistent and therefore cannot be the "Word of God".