Yes and not only money message.
But that you have said, not is distant from the truth.
Do you want major informations?
Enrico Frassinetti
dear all .. from others days, i am writing about the explanations on the barcode and his to signify.. evidently not is been understood what i want say, probably for my incapacity of speak well english.
about this, i will very happy if some brother or sister help me in this.. all systems applicated, on the system of buy and sell of the beast, and his worl trade organization, utilize the barcode for insert a "fixed price" to the supermarkets, when the private go to acquire whatever product.
(can you discuss the prices when go to pay to the cash box?).
Yes and not only money message.
But that you have said, not is distant from the truth.
Do you want major informations?
Enrico Frassinetti
dear all .. from others days, i am writing about the explanations on the barcode and his to signify.. evidently not is been understood what i want say, probably for my incapacity of speak well english.
about this, i will very happy if some brother or sister help me in this.. all systems applicated, on the system of buy and sell of the beast, and his worl trade organization, utilize the barcode for insert a "fixed price" to the supermarkets, when the private go to acquire whatever product.
(can you discuss the prices when go to pay to the cash box?).
Excuse me. But not is so, how are you thinking.
Sorry for intent that you are saying about gullibly.
This is not a system of investments, probably have you not understood.
Do you want understand better?
see in this web page
Enrico Frassinetti
dear all .. from others days, i am writing about the explanations on the barcode and his to signify.. evidently not is been understood what i want say, probably for my incapacity of speak well english.
about this, i will very happy if some brother or sister help me in this.. all systems applicated, on the system of buy and sell of the beast, and his worl trade organization, utilize the barcode for insert a "fixed price" to the supermarkets, when the private go to acquire whatever product.
(can you discuss the prices when go to pay to the cash box?).
Dear all .
From others days, i am writing about the explanations on the barcode and his to signify.
Evidently not is been understood what i want say, probably for my incapacity of speak well english. About this, i will very happy if some brother or sister help me in this.
All systems applicated, on the system of buy and sell of the beast, and his worl trade organization, utilize the barcode for insert a "Fixed Price" to the supermarkets, when the private go to acquire whatever product. (can you discuss the prices when go to pay to the cash box?)
I am an economist, and after many studies, i have discovered the cause of this poverty in the world, and after i have started a system capable of to combat this situation, how class of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
In Genoa, with many organizations against the G8, i have explainated this cause, how negative principal fact for this situation of poverty.
The barcode, is only a methode for control the "FIXED PRICE" that the system of the beast utilize for evit of give real freedom to the men, and with many systems find the modes of make in slavery all humanity, by means of the PERPETUAL DEBIT.
I can understand, because you can't say how is possible that a simple think how the Fixed Price, can be the real cause of the poverty situation.
With a method of to discuss the prices, is possible evit of buy with the impost method.
Not is only with that system that the beast impoverish the persons, but also the Bank System, is guilty with commissions of the financial transactions many expensive, only on the transfer of money. But why someone must profit without to do nothing?
This is not correct, second Cristhian principles,(2 Thessalonic 3:10) and for this, we have started from Italy a system of redistribution of money with the Alpha Club Society .
I understand that not is easy understand all this, in five minutes, but is very necessary, that all Jehovah's Witnesses, know this New Light capable of explain how to be separated completely from the beast system.
Do you want ask me more information?
Send me an- e-mail to this address [email protected]
Enrico Frassinetti
dear brothers and sisters of the world.
(and answering also to undisfellowshipped) .
excuse me always for my broken english.. i have seen many discussions in this forum, about the barcode, but want specify, that is only symbolically that i speak when i say that is the barcode the mark of the beast 666.. .
Dear brothers and sisters of the world. (and answering also to UnDisfellowshipped)
Excuse me always for my broken English.
I have seen many discussions in this forum, about the barcode, but want specify, that is only symbolically that I speak when I say that is the BARCODE the mark of the beast 666.
The UPC BARCODE (Universal Product Code), utilized in all the world from the organization of the trade, is his method of control of the fixed price , of the beast 666, but is only one of the modes, of make all humanity in slavery....but:
All these systems permit only symbolically of give the mark to all, because the real sense of "mark of the beast 666" is that of slavery all humanity, with the economical debit, for every individual person of the earth.
The freedom by this situation of poverty, the famous Economic Independence , depend only from a just economic system, based on just principles, that only servers of Jehovah will be capable of do.
Today the economic system of the beast 666, and of his satan men, dont permit of to have freedom from the poverty, because the their only objective, is that of make all men of the world in PERPETUAL AND CONSTANT DEBIT.
For this, the evolution of the his economic system is based on the creation of only great distributions in enormous trade commercial center.
Between little time, will be possible buy and sell only in these center controlled from the men of the beast symbolically speaking, but this will be more evident, when dont there will be more the condition that the money in papier, dont be more possible emit, for the bad condition of the economy of the world in serious economic recession.
This bad condition, will permit only of create a economic circuit where only the possessors of his march 666 will can buy and sell, but only with his collaborators economics.
Who accept the conditions of the beast, can operate with dispassionate, but always in slavery.
Jehovahs Witnesses dont must be slave of no one, and only mode of detract frm us this situation is only construct a new economic system capable of go against current.
The modern technologies, will permit in the future of control constantly the actions of the all habitants of the world, with biological instruments for identify the persons by means of the DNA, and so with this mode, the beast will can slavery all us.
Is not difficult understand this new light , because Jesus say that we dont must be slave of the man (1 Corinth 7:23) , and only ceasing of conforming to this things system, is possible detract the our identify with another parallel economic system, for all us Jehovahs Witnesses.
Do you want anyway understand my ANALISY OF THE ECONOMIC WORLD SYSTEM
Enrico Frassinetti
enrico frassinetti is an italian disfellowshipped for fraud.
I continue to sustain, of be an "Anointed of Jehovah".
You want suntain differently?
You can doing tranquilly, but the truth come inevitably.
Enrico Frassinetti
enrico frassinetti is an italian disfellowshipped for fraud.
Caro infiltrato.
Visto che sei anche tu italiano e spacci menzogne, vorrei sapere chi ti ha informato della mia disassociazione proprio per frode.
Io per quanto mi riguarda non ho il timore dell'uomo, tenendo coperto il mio vero nome come invece fai tu.
Se io sono un Giuda allora tu chi sei?
Sciacquati la bocca prima di calunniare qualcuno.
Se mi faccio ridere dietro da mezzo mondo non credo che questo dovrebbe preoccupare te, non credi?
Se tu vuoi continua pure a ridere..........
Io intanto la mia parte la faccio ugulamente, anzi queste prese di posizione da parte di sconosciuti mi danno ancora pi forza nel percorrere questo cammino.
Ciao Calunniatore infiltrato
enrico frassinetti is an italian disfellowshipped for fraud.
Danny Bear.
I don't undestand very well English with the idioms and phrases.
For this i ask you if is possible translate with the babylon or altavista that you want say me.
Or can self help you, with another persons that can speak Italian for understand this project.
Enrico Frassinetti
enrico frassinetti is an italian disfellowshipped for fraud.
Excuse me..........WTInfiltraded.
Who is that have informed you that i am been disfelloshipped for fraud?
Are you sure of not have interest to catch me slanderousness?
Attention!!!!!!! Not is correct give these informations, without say who is you!
For all.............. my disfelloshipping is only for "New Light" that go against the Satan Economic System.
Who is that has interest to defends it?
Probably, who search of to stop this dangerous divulgation, is the answer.
Sincerly love agape.
Enrico Frassinetti
dear brothers and sisters of the world.
before of all, sorry for my broken english.. .
the rediscovered of the barcode, how march of the wide beast 666 (revelation 13:16-18), is more significant, because the last events about the economy that is collapsing, explaining that is written in the bible about revelation 6:6 , 16:2.. second new light, the bad conditions prevised in the great tribulation, are from impute to the collapse of the economies of the world, and in these last times, this possibility is very real, and very near.
My and ours good intent, is that of say to all Jehovah' s People, and also Ex member, that we are preparing a instrument of survival, with another economic system for give a possibility of survival, when will be the shock of the economies of the world.
Only that.
Do you want accept this message?
Good for you.......but if don't you accept it, is equal for us.
We must say it, after is a personnel choice.
Enrico Frassinetti
dear brothers and sisters of the world.
before of all, sorry for my broken english.. .
the rediscovered of the barcode, how march of the wide beast 666 (revelation 13:16-18), is more significant, because the last events about the economy that is collapsing, explaining that is written in the bible about revelation 6:6 , 16:2.. second new light, the bad conditions prevised in the great tribulation, are from impute to the collapse of the economies of the world, and in these last times, this possibility is very real, and very near.
In fact!!!
This problem is resolved acquiring the products differently from the system of the fixed price..........Understood?
Forming enormous "acquisition groups" we suck money to the beast 666 forming saving, so is possible "To cease of be conform to the beast system".
But also eviting of deposit ours financial resources in the traditional banks, our is another system of cease of conform to the bank system with the redistribution of the resources saved from the beast system.
In this concept for us is possible construct a new economic system, ceasing of conforming to his diabolic system. (Romans 12:2)
Enrico Frassinetti