You go Rick! Hoist them with their own petard.
JoinedPosts by boyzone
Nation wide protest on the shunning policies of The Watchtower Organization!
by koolaid-man inon jan 21 and 22, 2011 a nation wide protest is being organized to alert people on the discrimination that is blatantly taking place in the watchtower organization.
the public needs to know about the disfellowshipping and subsequent shunning that is going on in the jehovah's witness cult.
this flagrantly heinous,wicked practice must be stopped.
little cantleave wants to say hi
by nugget inmy son wants to say hi to everyone on the forum.
as one of the main drivers to us exiting the cult he is very excited about never going to a meeting again.. if i knew how to load pictures i would let you see his plan for christmas lights next year.
apparently we are having a sleigh with reigndeers.
Hi li'l guy, how you doing? I got 4 boys all brought up as witnesses and we just enjoyed our 3rd christmas together as a family - it was a great day for us all. My youngest boy is 11 and he chose a monkey for the top of the tree (shamus would be proud) Next year he says its gotta be a dalek
Here's to all the happy memories you will now have
Ladies: were you often left to deal with the children at assemblies/meetings?
by JimmyPage inespecially those of you married to servants and elders?
how did you feel about that?
did you wish the society would make more accomodations for dealing with children?.
Oh I can relate BIGTIME chickpea! My hub was also oblivious. I was supposed to just be grateful he was there never mind daring to ask him for help.
4 boys all giving me hell from wanting the loo every 5 minutes to throwing crayons down the aisles. What got me was, not the lack of help, but the disapproving looks from all the "Double income, no kids," couples that insisted on hogging the end seats on each row.
Spiritual paradise? I don't think so. I would get home and weep with exhaustion knowing we had to endure the whole thing again the next day.
Nation wide protest on the shunning policies of The Watchtower Organization!
by koolaid-man inon jan 21 and 22, 2011 a nation wide protest is being organized to alert people on the discrimination that is blatantly taking place in the watchtower organization.
the public needs to know about the disfellowshipping and subsequent shunning that is going on in the jehovah's witness cult.
this flagrantly heinous,wicked practice must be stopped.
Protests, billboards, its all good if it gets the message across. Wish I was in the NY area. More power to anyone wanting to expose the henious shunning practice of JW's and the damage it causes!
Moral Dilemma
by Mattieu inexcuse me so called holy spirit directed governing body; what do you do when you discover that a long term hospital liaison committee elder who gives talks at all1 day assemblies, 2 day assemblies & district assemblies and is quite prominent n the victorian/nsw circuit, is addicted to pornography, particularly under age and bestiality porno?
and oh, if you have print outs of his internet log ins and internet history fully detailing his log ins from his work computer???
and im not talking breach of privacy, im talking his breach of work usage of computers, of which im in charge of the it.
The legality of the elder's web history is for you to decide and only you can know if he's committed a crime or a works disciplinary matter.
However you talk about a moral dilemma, which is different. We're talking about a highly respected and well used elder here who has the responsibility to be exemplary to the flock. You have the responsibility to make known his persistant deviant behaviour to the BOE as soon as possible. Your actions may be a protection to children in the congregation or women in general because you never know just how far the elder will take his fantasies.
Turn over any relevant documental COPIES of proof you have. (I say copies as originals might "disappear" if the elder has influence)
Then let the matter be dealt with accordingly. I'm pretty sure it'll be one less hypocritical elder to worry about.
And as for the "wait on Jehovah" line, well perhaps Jehovah is using you to bring this to light?
Voting a conscience matter??
by Cynisister inhappy new year one and all!,.
the local elders sent a letter home with my hubby, pretty much stating that after "many" attempts to visit and speak with me, this letter is once again asking to meet because it came to their attention that i voted in the last pres.
by the way, do the elders know who you voted for? If you've kept that info private then you could claim to have put anything on the ballot paper and they'll have no case against you.
Voting a conscience matter??
by Cynisister inhappy new year one and all!,.
the local elders sent a letter home with my hubby, pretty much stating that after "many" attempts to visit and speak with me, this letter is once again asking to meet because it came to their attention that i voted in the last pres.
This is all I could find on the subject in the new 2010 elders manual. As you can see, it uses the 99WT as a reference.
Taking a course contrary to the neutral po-
sition of the Christian congregation. (lsa.
2:4; John 15:17-19; w99 11/1 pp. 28-29) If he
joins a nonneutraJ organization, he has disasso-
ciated himse1f. If his employment makes him
a clear accomplice in nonneutral activities, he
should generally be allowed a period of time up
to six months to make an adjustment. If he
does not, he has disassociated himself.-km 9/76pp.3-6.
Voting a conscience matter??
by Cynisister inhappy new year one and all!,.
the local elders sent a letter home with my hubby, pretty much stating that after "many" attempts to visit and speak with me, this letter is once again asking to meet because it came to their attention that i voted in the last pres.
Cynisister. You are correct. The 99 WT does make voting a conscience issue. Your local elders may not be aware of this article. However, whilst allowing witnesses to make such a conscience decision, the article then goes on to use 5 seperate points to tell you what your conscience decision should be.
The secret elders manual makes these points, and I believe it is these reasons why you are being pursued
Since true dedicated Christians are "no part of the world," if a member of the congregation unrepentantly pursues a course in violation of his Christian neutrality, he thereby disassociates himself from the neutral Christian congregation. (John 15:19; 17:14-16; w82 1/15 p. 31)
Elders should talk to one known to be contemplating taking such a course, since he may be doing so in ignorance. (Ps. 119:67; Gal. 6:1; 1 Tim. 1:13)
If he disregards the help proffered and pursues a course in violation of Christian neutrality, a committee should send the facts substantiating the disassociation to the branch office on the S-77 and S-79 forms. [See also ks91 p143]If the elders insist on meeting you, it could go badly if you don't thoroughly know your stuff. How would being disassociated ultimately affect you? Have you got close family in?
This helpful webpage is excellent to read through to give you some solid arguments for your case.
Good luck and please keep us informed.
A look at Jehovah's Witnesess ethics
by Hobo Ken inthis post is to expose the unethical, un-scriptural actions of the men involved in the "judicial" processes of jehovah's witneses.
the lack of fair minded impartial justice shown to me during my "judicial" case is a result of what they (the elders) are directed to do by the governing body of jehovah's witnesess.
many people have been through similar and will do again in the future, sadly.
Downloaded the pdf onto my kindle ready to read over a quiet coffee in Costa - thanks Matt, LOVE the website revamp!
What was the worst part of the conventions for YOU?
by mochamint22 ini thought it'd be fun to talk about what part of the conventions just made you cringe or be annoyed with.
i can remember a couple things:.
i remember after the tms when they put the list in the back on the announcement board, there were people that would get up while the last song was being sung to write down the info.
worst part was trying to keep lively toddlers amused and motionless in a space the size of a shoebox for 3 days. HELL on earth.