" I have not commanded him" clearly refering back to verse 18 where God is speaking directly to him.
You're missing the point. I haven't taken the scripture out of context. Verse 20 is asking a question on how to identify a false prophet and Jehovah gives the answer. The Society fit the criteria in every detail.
The Governing Body CLAIM to speak for Jehovah. Thats what they do. They claim that God Spirit-directs their words and actions so that Jehovah "speaks" directly through them - and only them.
You know this is true, and I can bring up many Watchtower quotes that prove this is what is said. Why are you making this more difficult that it needs to be?
I guess I know why - it show up your personal need for the Watchtower to be right. Have you got much invested in this religion? Family? Years of service? Friends? Status?
All this is in jeopardy if you dare to admit the Society are a false prophet Organization. The cost can be high can't it?
Well, sorry dear brother but the Society IS a false prophet Organization by their own definition and by the bible's definition, and no amount of wishful thinking on your part will change that.