The "end of time" of Julian Barbour is am antagonist-theory to that one of mine. He tries to deny the existence of time generally.
although we as humans have come to a better understanding of many things there are still enough problems to keep many minds occupied.. we think we have a good idea of how this universe is structured how it grew and got complex , with even explanations of how life forms arose.. but there are still things that puzzle me.. what is consciousness?.
there is no proper understanding of consciousness and how it works.. how can a combination of atoms in a certain configuration give rise to a tangible feeling of existence?.
what is time?.
The "end of time" of Julian Barbour is am antagonist-theory to that one of mine. He tries to deny the existence of time generally.
although we as humans have come to a better understanding of many things there are still enough problems to keep many minds occupied.. we think we have a good idea of how this universe is structured how it grew and got complex , with even explanations of how life forms arose.. but there are still things that puzzle me.. what is consciousness?.
there is no proper understanding of consciousness and how it works.. how can a combination of atoms in a certain configuration give rise to a tangible feeling of existence?.
what is time?.
Some of your questions (e. g. what is "time", or: how does signal-processing in the brain work etc.) has became elaborated and described in my scientific work "Method to Generate Self-Organizing Processes in Autonomous Mechanisms and Organisms". (US-Pat.US 6172941)
Note: I am not ready to discuss about details of the matters in this forum. Rather via e-mail. Send your questions to: [email protected]
i thought i would show an excerpt from a letter i have compossed in reply to a friend.. this all goes back to about six months ago when he asked me what i thought about the creator book.. i told him i thought it was "junk".. bad move.. anyway he told several people i was being critical of the society and wrote me a long letter which i never replied to.. i recently thought my lack of a reply may indicate to him that he had proved me wrong so i have decided to write back.. please let me know if you think what i have written is reasonable.. dear ******,.
i am writing in response to your letter of 19 april 2001.. i know it is a long time in coming but i had not intended to write back after our discussion of the matter, but i have lately felt that in not replying it leaves several points unanswered.. i what you to understand why i raised the points i did and wanted you to consider carefully the evidence.. i hope you appreciate my frankness in writing this letter as i am honestly concerned about various issues and their effect on our lives.
it would be too cumbersome to discuss all points raised in your letter so i am hoping only a few will be sufficient to show when i am coming from.. my purpose is not to weaken anyone's faith but to examine carefully some important issues.. if i am wrong i will stand corrected if the relevant information is provided.. one of the main issues raised was over my attitude toward a number of the societies publications mainly the creator book .. so i will mostly deal with why i felt the way i did.. as you know i have read quite a number of books on scientific subjects many dealing with the issue of evolution , some i have read several times.. therefore i am aware of some of the complexities of the issues involved and what is believed by many scientists and researchers.. one of the problems that many scientists have with creationists and other similar beliefs is that they often employ pseudoscience in their publications.. what is pseudoscience?
Oh, that's interesting!
That is an evidence for the fact this man cannot be found "up to date" to the state of the art in physics, mathematics, informatics, neurobiology, and other sciences. It's impossible. The man is now about 85 years old.
erich has used the term "zynism" a couple of times in some of his more recent posts, and i do not know what "zynism" is.
after doing some research, the only references to it that i could find were in german, which is one of the many languages in which i am not fluent.. would someone post a little synopsis of zynism, complete with photos and diagrams with circles and arrows and margin notes?.
Sorry all.
I meant "cynicism".
It's a greek word. In German written as "Zynismus".
i thought i would show an excerpt from a letter i have compossed in reply to a friend.. this all goes back to about six months ago when he asked me what i thought about the creator book.. i told him i thought it was "junk".. bad move.. anyway he told several people i was being critical of the society and wrote me a long letter which i never replied to.. i recently thought my lack of a reply may indicate to him that he had proved me wrong so i have decided to write back.. please let me know if you think what i have written is reasonable.. dear ******,.
i am writing in response to your letter of 19 april 2001.. i know it is a long time in coming but i had not intended to write back after our discussion of the matter, but i have lately felt that in not replying it leaves several points unanswered.. i what you to understand why i raised the points i did and wanted you to consider carefully the evidence.. i hope you appreciate my frankness in writing this letter as i am honestly concerned about various issues and their effect on our lives.
it would be too cumbersome to discuss all points raised in your letter so i am hoping only a few will be sufficient to show when i am coming from.. my purpose is not to weaken anyone's faith but to examine carefully some important issues.. if i am wrong i will stand corrected if the relevant information is provided.. one of the main issues raised was over my attitude toward a number of the societies publications mainly the creator book .. so i will mostly deal with why i felt the way i did.. as you know i have read quite a number of books on scientific subjects many dealing with the issue of evolution , some i have read several times.. therefore i am aware of some of the complexities of the issues involved and what is believed by many scientists and researchers.. one of the problems that many scientists have with creationists and other similar beliefs is that they often employ pseudoscience in their publications.. what is pseudoscience?
Who is Fred Wilson ??
I was searching on several web-sites and found the following physicist:
Fred L. Wilson
Resume & Qualifications
Fred's experience as a military intelligence officer, an engineer in the energy industry, professional educator, physicist, speaker, and seminar leader qualify him to speak with authority to general audiences who want entertaining talks with substance
B.A. majoring in Physics and Mathematics
Murray State University
Murray, Kentucky
Ph.D. in Physics
University of Kansas
Leadership & Professional Activities:
Visiting Faculty Member, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas, 1997, 1999-2000; Director of TexPrep at ASU Summer 2000
Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology -- 1969-1996
Teaching wide range of courses in science and technology policy, Physics, and related courses
Curriculum leadership
International presentations in: China, Berlin, Gothenburg, Sweden, and Tokyo
Leadership in The American Physical Society (APS), Professional Society for Physics in International Affairs
Chair, Committee on International Affairs (1996)
Vice-Chair, Committee on International Affairs (1995)
Member, Committee on International Affairs (1994-1997)
International telecommunications project successfully delivering a World-Wide-Web-based system to link physicists internationally.
Secretary/Treasurer, New York State Section of the American Physical Society, 1978-1996
Honors & Recognition:
Eisenhart Award for outstanding teaching
Leadership in Information Systems Development
Member of Faculty Council, and Chair for one term
Developed integrated technical analysis and management information systems as Senior Research Engineer
Civic Activities & Responsibilities:
Member of Twin Mountain Tonesmen, Barbershop Chorus
Member and Treasurer of Concho Valley Archaeology Society
Member, Program Chair, and President Elect of San Angelo Dinner Club
Docent at Old Fort Concho
Deacon, and Secretary of Active Deacon Body in First Baptist Church ,
Member of the Downtown Lions Club (all in San Angelo, Texas).
Speaking Experience:
Scientist Looks at the Bible, San Angelo, Texas, First Baptist
Church, San Angelo ,
and so on....
Could it be: A member of the baptist church wrote the Creator Book for the WTS ??
Cannot imagine...
i thought i would show an excerpt from a letter i have compossed in reply to a friend.. this all goes back to about six months ago when he asked me what i thought about the creator book.. i told him i thought it was "junk".. bad move.. anyway he told several people i was being critical of the society and wrote me a long letter which i never replied to.. i recently thought my lack of a reply may indicate to him that he had proved me wrong so i have decided to write back.. please let me know if you think what i have written is reasonable.. dear ******,.
i am writing in response to your letter of 19 april 2001.. i know it is a long time in coming but i had not intended to write back after our discussion of the matter, but i have lately felt that in not replying it leaves several points unanswered.. i what you to understand why i raised the points i did and wanted you to consider carefully the evidence.. i hope you appreciate my frankness in writing this letter as i am honestly concerned about various issues and their effect on our lives.
it would be too cumbersome to discuss all points raised in your letter so i am hoping only a few will be sufficient to show when i am coming from.. my purpose is not to weaken anyone's faith but to examine carefully some important issues.. if i am wrong i will stand corrected if the relevant information is provided.. one of the main issues raised was over my attitude toward a number of the societies publications mainly the creator book .. so i will mostly deal with why i felt the way i did.. as you know i have read quite a number of books on scientific subjects many dealing with the issue of evolution , some i have read several times.. therefore i am aware of some of the complexities of the issues involved and what is believed by many scientists and researchers.. one of the problems that many scientists have with creationists and other similar beliefs is that they often employ pseudoscience in their publications.. what is pseudoscience?
..of galaxies it says “Some are so long and wide that they resemble great walls. This may surprise many how think that our universe created itself in a chance cosmic explosion.” Straw man. No scientists ( None that I know of) believe the universe was created in a chance cosmic explosion. A cosmic expansion yes .I can see how the writer could get confused ( as it is called the Big bang ) but this could only be if he has made just a cursory reading of the relevant scientific material..
P.g. 13 p 1 Talking of the expansion of the universe “This implies more than just a source of vast energy..
WTS had copied this stuff from scientific books older than 30 years.
In the 60's, some scientists indeed used same vocabulary for the description of the "big bang". Meanwhile, their cognition and knowledge increased. And to buy new books the WTS possibly has got no money.
.. Also the “second law of thermodynamics” is mentioned on pg.24-25. The book makes the statement “...our existence is contrary to this recognised law.” A quick read about the second law of thermodynamics in a science book will dispel that notion. To put it bluntly , that statement is an error.
In fact the whole explanation given of how this “law” works is in error...
If one denies the second law of thermodynamics, he has to postulate a theory of "teleologic principle" which guides a higher order in the universe. There are some scientists (see alternative physics) that alleges such theories. The WTS has to talk with these people and hear them..;-)
(Maybe they can tell to them, that the meaning of the term "YHVH/JHWH" already asserts and proves the existence of such a teleologic principle).. lol
[img] [/img].
i know this has been brought up numerous times, but just how many of the 1914 generation are actually still living?
SaintSatan wrote:
Armageddon happened invisibly in 1975, and the millenium started the following year, invisibly, of course. So some people have already got everlasting life, they only look old...
Though written ironically and with zynism, you possibly may not lay so far away from fact and reality...;-))
Who knows?
just supposing that adam in the garden of eden hadn't shared and participated in the eating of the forbidden fruit, what would have happened?
would adam be without a partner to this day?
and if god knows the end from the beginning, being the alpha and the omega an all that, did he know that 'sin' was going to take place?
You forgot to mention the most important detail of the story of Adam & Eve.
It's Lucifer.
The simple "test" for perfect men was actually easy to fufill. God was sure that this test would not fail. (Note: He didn't "chose" to look into the future, since pre-knowledge is just the same as pre-determination..)
No. The complexity of the situation has been evoked by Lucifer's appearance as great seducer. Sure, God even would have had calculated with that betrayal, and he knew, that the things in such a case would become very complicated; but he is a God who nevertheless keeps his word consistently.
Certainly, Lucifer (Satan) had calculated that the price for God in such case maybe would be too high (he knew that God had to offer his son for reimbursement). But this calculation had failed. God YHVH (JHWH) had proven himself as absolutely consistent.
in 1975 jws had several things going for them.
the ex-jws that left because of earlier prophetic failures had no real way to reach us.
most jws were of a newer generation, eager for something to happen given the times we lived in.
I am in the (bad) situation, that obviously many folks know my real identity and story.
Please have comprehension I do not talk about such matters with persons who are not ready to reveal their pseudonyms.
But you may send me an e-mail.
in 1975 jws had several things going for them.
the ex-jws that left because of earlier prophetic failures had no real way to reach us.
most jws were of a newer generation, eager for something to happen given the times we lived in.
Of course, some folks did believe it.
I know an elder, who went to his bank and made 50 000$ debts (convinced, he would never get prompted to pay the money back ..) For the rate of interests were about 20% at that time (you know: inflation caused by high oil-prices in 1974) this elder never has got free from debts his whole life. He is paying, and is paying, and is paying....
But that was the exception, not the rule.