sleepy's question:
...if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?
If this is true it raises so very interesting questions as to the nature of things the stucture of the universe and time itself.
So when we move are all our parts really moving or are they jumping from one place to another?.
Easy answer: They are "jumping" (it's not quite correct, but it matches with the idea you have) as long as the "particals" are not observed by any type of sensorium. (Even a subatomar structure can serve as "sensorium). Note: if there is no sensorium to detect (or "observe) TIME, then there is no TIME objectively existent too! And a "distance" is a function of time, you know...
Note: this fact is the reason why physicists had to use "quantum theory" to explain and define the fundamentals of atomar and subatomar structures...
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