Here is and interesting question which touches on some points raised in other posts.
Can things really move?
If you haven't thought about it before it may seem like a stupid question, but i'll try to explain.
One of the principles of quantum physics is that things do not get infinatly smaller.There is a granuality to objects so at some point things don't get any smaller.
The same holds with energy if you take energy out of a system you can not go on forever .Eventually you hit absolute zero were every thing is still.
In the other direction , the speed of light is an absolute limit.
So what happens if you make smaller and smaller movements eventually you would stop.But what is the next smallest movement between being stopped and moving?
If we put some figures on it it may make it easier.
If to be stoped is 0 and the next possible amonut of movment is 1 you could not move say 1/2 as that is smaller than 1 and if you could keep dividing forever like this you would never reach absolute standstill.
So like the particals in the universe movment has to be granular as well.Made up of definate jumps though very tiny.
If this is the case then there is a problem how does one object , if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?
If this is true it raises so very interesting questions as to the nature of things the stucture of the universe and time itself.
So when we move are all our parts really moving or are they jumping from one place to another?
Sorry if I havent explained it very well I've tried my best.