Oh dear God...
If there never `d been existing any shunning doctrine by all sorts of religions, there would no white people live in the United States.
only Indians.
Posts by Erich
Amish and shunning
by gambler ini just did some research on the amish and found out an interesting fact.shunning created the amish.a group of people broke away from the mennonites in germany because the mennonites would not suport the shunning doctrine.these people became the amish.as a side note, do you guys remember the 60 minutes that delt with shunning.they had amish and jw teenagers that were shunned by their parents because the wanted out of their religion.
What would you think if?
by getingout inif a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again.
if the wt said the preaching work has ended.. if wt encouraged the members to vote in all elections.
if the blood ban was removed.
I did already post this in an earlier thread:
My opinion is that Jehovah would have had much better "timing" to destroy all sorts of mankind in Armageddon IN EARLIER times and political affairs and wars.
Think at the end of WWI or WWII, or when the Cuba-crisis (nuclear-bombs!) was, or at the time when the former Soviet-Union collapsed (1990).
He did not. When you are very sensitive and listen carefully, then you can see, that God is rather calming the situation, than to heat and escalate it.His intention is, THAT MOST OF ALL PEOPLE WORLDWIDE SHOULD SURVIVE !!
What would you think if?
by getingout inif a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again.
if the wt said the preaching work has ended.. if wt encouraged the members to vote in all elections.
if the blood ban was removed.
I believe, yes.
Because my opinion is that the "Great Trib" and "Armageddon" will show a complete different face than actually expected by the former JW`s. The bible does not fail, but the insight does.
by gilwarrior inwell at the beginning of the year the euro is the national currency of the member of the european union (execpt for great britain, denmark and norway, i think).
anyway i just want to know what you all think about this.
especially those of you who live in europe.
Sure, Gold would be better than nickel..;-)
No, the main problem is the currency value decrease. EURO decreased -compared to the US-dollar - more than 30% within 3 yrs (the date when it became virtual currency). This fact generated an increasing inflation in most EU-countries.
And this goes on meanwhile ALTHOUGH there is US-dollar-crisis (evoked by the Sept.11 and the NewEconomy-weakness..) -
What would you think if?
by getingout inif a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again.
if the wt said the preaching work has ended.. if wt encouraged the members to vote in all elections.
if the blood ban was removed.
Erich: end of the world.
I am active JW too, since 1984 baptized.
Let me explain: My hope is the transformation of the current world-situation, and the establishing of a new righteous world order where no wars, hunger, and diseases are existing, and where the death will disappear. That´s the prophecy of the bible.Further, the bible tells us, that the wicked ones would have no everlasting future in that new system called Kingdom of God. They are not allowed to live forever in the same way as the good ones.
Thats clear because we cannot need fights, wars and destructions again when we are on the way to build our new paradise here on earth with the help of God.
That`s the main message of the bible.
But I DO NOT THINK THAT 6 BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL GET DESTROYED IN ARMAGEDDON THROUGH A GREAT SLAUGHTER.That`s nonsense. Jehovah is a kind and merciful God, and HIS intention is that as many people as possible should survive to the new world system.
by gilwarrior inwell at the beginning of the year the euro is the national currency of the member of the european union (execpt for great britain, denmark and norway, i think).
anyway i just want to know what you all think about this.
especially those of you who live in europe.
I am Austrian.
Very affected of change from Austrian Shilling to EURO !
Great problems!
My mother (86) has no chance anymore to grasp the new currency...
Further problem: 1 EURO = 13,7603 (former) Austrian Shillings !
So, one must be a mathematical genius that one can calculate quickly...;-)Besides, all people have to buy new money-bags, because the EURO-cent-coins are 3 times more(!) than before, and 3 times heavier than before...
Bush Pushes King of North
by proplog2 insouth.
south's pushing there is no more said about the king of the south.
Or you could've seen it 'looking' into the future. That's a possibility..
No that doesn`t work.
It is against physical, mathematical, logical and natural laws God has given.A prophecy can only be fulfilled, if YOU - or a higher being through that you was given the message - is able and have the power to let it fulfill !!
The only exception would be a "time-travel" into the future (and returning, of course).
Ask Mr. Stephen Hawkings. Maybe it`s possible...lol
What would you think if?
by getingout inif a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again.
if the wt said the preaching work has ended.. if wt encouraged the members to vote in all elections.
if the blood ban was removed.
Okay nelly.
If they (JW`s) are allowed by the WTS to vote in a "worldly" democratic election, they actually must have permission to vote in a "theocratic" election too... isn`t it so?...lol -
What would you think if?
by getingout inif a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again.
if the wt said the preaching work has ended.. if wt encouraged the members to vote in all elections.
if the blood ban was removed.
If the WT said the preaching work has ended.[quote]
[quote] >I'd be excited because the end is here.>
Hi sexyteen.
What do you mean?
Do you mean you `d be excited, because there is
a)the end of the world in armageddon or
b)the end of preaching work ?
Please precise it. -
Bush Pushes King of North
by proplog2 insouth.
south's pushing there is no more said about the king of the south.
>I don't believe that prophecy necessarily
implies the existence of God<
Very peculiar.You do not believe in the existence of God, though in Bible Prophecy and
in Book of Revelation ?
I tell ya one thing:
You can make any sort of prophecy coming true if you have the power to get it fulfilled. If there is no source for such a power, then is no fulfilling of prophecy. Logical, or not ?
E.g.: You can say to your neighbor: Tomorrow evening your house will burn! It will burn, because you have got the ability and the power to set his house on fire!
That's the only way a prophecy can get true. Simply.