Please stop this brain-amputative numberology;-)
is the watchtower predicting the end for 2034 ad?
someone sent me scans of this dec 2003 wt and so i put together a little page on it.
Please stop this brain-amputative numberology;-)
if this has already been posted, i apologise for repeating it.
in the july wt, the writers have come up with the new theory that islam is the new king of the north.
i haven't seen the article yet, .
US is the new K.o.N.
Matches absolutely with the opinions of mine. The war in the Dan.11:40 just happens, and ends up with US standing alone against the whole world ("there will be no helper for him"). Or look at: "Lybians and Ethiopians will be at his steps": This verse has surprisingly a real "wordly" fulfillment, because in the days when USSR had been the K.o.N. they politically supported the radical socialistic group (the KoN), but now, Lybia and Ethiopia did a sharp political turn around.
Possible a further "King of the North" will come up after US for a very short time before harmagedon. Is it China, or the EU? Maybe. We dont know. All these countries are part of the UN. But the Islam cannot be the K.o.N. It is no political reign. It is part of Babylon the Great.
sorry this is a little late for a memorial post, but did any of ya'll eat the emblems like it was just ordinary food immediately after the memorial?
they always did this at my kh, even the elders would be handing it out and we always would fight over who got a piece of the "bread.
" this usually occured out in the parking lot after most of the new/interested people had already high tailed it outta there.
E. (deep blue)
now we know what the problem is...
scroll down...
jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
I think the "cause" of schizophrenia goes much more deeper. You correctly mentioned those studies with monozygotic twins, and the surprising results. My opinion is: If scientists once could find out the "mechanism" of schizophrenia, then they simultaneously have found the mechanism of "consciousness" in the brain too.
now we know what the problem is...
scroll down...
jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Absolutely right.
Besides, there is no verse in the bible telling of any type of earthly "spiritual paradise" BEFORE Jesus Christ`s kingdom is reigning.
the truth always comes out eventually.
i hate to say "i told you so" but all those who were extremely critical of those who questioned the 'evidence' do, i think, need to re-evaluate the faith they put in the powers that be and perhaps owe some people an apology.
Its interesting what "teejay" wrote at the begin of war against Iraq last yr:
now look what I anticipated same time:
my line manager from work got back from holiday in hollywood on sunday, and all day at work yesterday he was telling us all about it.
on his tour of beverley hills he had princes mansion pointed out, but was told that the singer didn't live there anymore, but had bought a bar on sunset boulavard instead and could be found outside it everyday giving out religious leaflets.
and sure enough, when he went down there, prince was standing on the street talking to people and giving them religious leaflets.
here's the link to the whole story in the sydney herald-sun newspapaper,5478,9056641^661,00.html.
my question -- what was this jw doing with the koran in his leather bag?.
according to information seen by the herald sun, an unidentified passenger passed a brown leather bag through the departures screening machine, and walked off into the departure lounge without picking it up.
Hi Scully
I think he`d much more to explain if they`d found CD`s with rap or heavy metal music in his bag;-)
here's the link to the whole story in the sydney herald-sun newspapaper,5478,9056641^661,00.html.
my question -- what was this jw doing with the koran in his leather bag?.
according to information seen by the herald sun, an unidentified passenger passed a brown leather bag through the departures screening machine, and walked off into the departure lounge without picking it up.
Hi Scully,
here's the link to the whole story in the sydney herald-sun newspapaper,5478,9056641^661,00.html.
my question -- what was this jw doing with the koran in his leather bag?.
according to information seen by the herald sun, an unidentified passenger passed a brown leather bag through the departures screening machine, and walked off into the departure lounge without picking it up.
Hi Scully,