Is the Watchtower Predicting the End for 2034 AD?
Someone sent me scans of this Dec 2003 WT and so I put together a little page on it. See what you think:
Net Soup!!
by Dogpatch 30 Replies latest jw friends
Is the Watchtower Predicting the End for 2034 AD?
Someone sent me scans of this Dec 2003 WT and so I put together a little page on it. See what you think:
Net Soup!!
It may the start of another 1975 travesty. I am interested in seeing what proceeding articles and publications will begin to assert about the Noah-120 years of preaching thing.
This is freakin' amazing. When I look at this scanned image of the article, it takes me back to those 1968 Awake articles which spoke in the same terms regarding 1975... Don't you imagine they would have learned something from that debacle? Well, maybe I should not be surprised...
The Borg must be extremely desperate to resort to these tactics again.
SOS, DD (Same ol' S*^t, different day)
I've always joked about this even when I was an active JW. I don't think the WTS is predicting it as this point but they may be preparing the rank and file for a future time. The 1975 date wasn't really put forward until 1966. Although the end of human history was stated as being in the mid 1970's earlier than that, it wasn't promoted until 9 years in advance. Following that same pattern, then in 2025, the WTS should starting promoting 2034 as the end, especially if the Hispanic and African sources of new members starts drying up just as Japan has. The WTS has a way of hiding an idea in articles, and then pointing back to them in a later article to show that they had already anticipated this "new light."
I guess only time will tell. I will be around 80 in 2034 if I am still alive.
I don't think it's a prediction of a specific date as much as an indication that the "time of the end" could be longer than an individual lifespan. In other words, it is abandoning the belief that people who saw the beginning of the end would also see the end itself. Thus, 1914 is retained as the starting point for a "time of the end" that really lasts indefinitely.
I have long suspected that JWs would eventually treat 1914 as the Seventh Day Adventists treat 1844. William Miller had expected a visible Second Coming to occur in 1844 (he originally thought 1843). When that didn't happen, the SDA's later claimed that this date was a starting point rather than a terminus, but as 1844 has receded into the past it cannot be used to prove that people living today will see the end in their own lifetimes. So 1914 is becoming the JW equivalent of 1844.
Hi Randy,
It seems to me to have definite indications that they know the R&F will run with. But they're weasel words that they can then claim innocence and say "some run ahead of God's (sic) organization . . . "
The usual claptrap where they lead them along the garden path, then when it doesn't materialize, they blame the ones they were leading.
Watchtower leaders, though myopic, are not fools.
Think of the dates they've been burned by:
"this generation"
I don't think the GB is going to approve a new date. They have no reason to do so.
I think the WTS 'blinked' because they are afraid people will start heading for the door so they decided to extended the 'end time.' I don't agree with the GB revision of the 'last generation.' I believe they had it right and those born in 1914 are the last generation.
Very interesting.
Thanks for posting this....
BTW, Keep up the good work!!!!!
I guess only time will tell. I will be around 80 in 2034 if I am still alive.
I'll be 86 . Where are the "millions now living will never die"? Let me see. That was said in 1922 if my memory serves me well.
That would make that "class" at least 112 years old in 1934.
Wouldn't mind seeing that prophecy fulfilled.