No one ever came on to me in person, whether it be JWs at the KH or the DC, guys at school, guys at work, whatever. I pursued my ex. The only guys that have ever made a move on me have been those I've met online, both married and single. I'm not a head turner, but maybe I look better in pics than I do in person.
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
Who had the HOTS for YOU?
by nomoreguilt ina number of years ago, there was a large group of us that went to an unasigned territory.
many of us stayed at a small motel, motel 8, 6, 666 something like that, others camped out.
so, most of those that stayed at the motel were in the in group.
Ex wife is getting remarried at the end of the month
by Billzfan23 inwow... didn't take her long.. the ex-wifey is getting remarried at the end of the month.
we were officially seperated on march 27th of '06... she didn't waste any time, although he's a j-dub... he's a good guy and i wish her the best... celebrate with me folks!
smile.... .
I've seen her pic. I can see why a JW male pounced on her.
The odds are good, but the goods are ODD!
Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?
by Dogaradodya ini'm inviting former jws to file a class suit against the watchtower for psychological, sociological, physical, intellectual, biological and financial damages.
a. psychological damage:.
1. followers are made to believe that the christian bible is the sole and exclusive word of god.
One more thing, I seriously doubt that the WTS can be held responsible for "forcing" you to go to the meetings and out in service. Did the GB show up at your door every Sat and Sun morning, as well as Tue and Thurs evenings to make sure you were doing what was required? They weren't beating on my bedroom door. Who was? My mother. She's the one that bought into their teachings and promises and dragged me and my siblings along in the process. Am I upset w/ her? No...she was just doing what she felt was best for me. As for baptism, yes many of us were pessured into it, but in the end, it was still our individual decision.
Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?
by Dogaradodya ini'm inviting former jws to file a class suit against the watchtower for psychological, sociological, physical, intellectual, biological and financial damages.
a. psychological damage:.
1. followers are made to believe that the christian bible is the sole and exclusive word of god.
I was raised as a JW, but I refuse to let the WTS get anymore of my life. I permitted enough of it. And, I'm sorry Outlaw, but there are many, many members that visit this board on a regular basis who have gotten over it and moved on w/ their lives. This board is going w/ their memberships, too.
Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?
by Dogaradodya ini'm inviting former jws to file a class suit against the watchtower for psychological, sociological, physical, intellectual, biological and financial damages.
a. psychological damage:.
1. followers are made to believe that the christian bible is the sole and exclusive word of god.
Maybe instead you could use all the time and money this case would involve and get some good therapy. If the WT ruined 1/2 of your life and you are 44 years old, don't you think it's time to move on?
I Just Got Jehovah's Witnessed!!! Sort of.
by Priest73 inholy crap batman!
this is the first time a dub has knocked on my door since i quit attending in 1999!.
i so wanted to ask for the private study addition, but i didn't want draw attention to myself (i.e.
She didn't ask you to donate to the Worldwide Pedophilia Victim Hush Fund?
Anyone still have trouble expressing anger?
by tall penguin inhaving been doubly mind-f*&ked by an organization that preaches peace and poor boundaries and a perfectionistic mother who hates conflict, i find myself still having great difficulty expressing my anger in a healthy way.
my past response when angry was to cry or turn the anger on myself and become self-destructive, ultimately leading to suicidal thoughts.
i find lately my subconscious percolating anger almost constantly.
I'm not an angry person by nature, but my entire life I have had problems w/ any type of confrontation. I don't know if it has to do w/ being raised as a JW, being raised by a very insecure mother who constantly questions herself, or just being a female in a male dominated world. Whatever the case, I do carry quite a bit of emotional conflict that is very difficult to come to terms w/. I don't harbor anger or bitterness of any kind, well maybe a little toward my ex, but it's fading more everyday. I am an independent and strong chick, but I cower when it comes to confronting someone, especially men, about anything. For some reason, I fear that they will get angry and lash out at me.
I'm not sure if this is a connection, but quite recently I have been having frequent dreams where I will wake up and my heart is racing. In these dreams I, too, cannot yell, scream, or have my voice heard by anyone. It is becoming quite disturbing.
Who else has zero friends?
by tsunami_rid3r ini am now a junior in college, and i have my own place.
i don't really like having roommates at all.
i just left in the middle of a lease because my ex-roommate was being a pain in the ass.
Two years ago I would have been able to jump in this thread and say, "ME, I have ZERO friends". But today, I cannot.
I am 30 years old and have lived in the DC area for going on 10 years now. I am used to people coming and going in my life, but just this year I have been able to meet people w/ some actual substance. I now have some REAL friends; friends who call and see how I am doing; friends who make sure they see me at least once a week; friends who can tell something is bothering me just by hearing my voice. One girl I met on craigslist; she responded to a rant I wrote about a sleazy guy that I dated a few years ago and the others I met in an XJW group on I have met a few others here, but giving time zones and distance, it is difficult to maintain intimate friendships, but we are trying.
Give it some time. Just when you give up all hope, friends will start making an appearance.
Bumble Bee, are you doing anything special for...
by Abandoned inpost 3333 of 3333. since 31-dec-04.
emperor class.
canada, ontario.
She said something to me about finishing that kiss she started...
What Are Your Goals in Posting on JWD in 2008 ?
by flipper inwell, happy new year to all of you, my friends here on jwd !
it should prove to be another rockin' and rollin' year here on jwd !
so, what do you hope to accomplish or take away in a beneficial way from posting on this board in 2008 ?
Minimus, you aren't the only one on posting restrictions.
Although, I can think of a few that should be who aren't.