Brinjen, I thought that, but why would he make her feel bad everyday for not being disfellowshipped?
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
You might want to start by getting your story straight. You open up by saying that he is a JWD (whatever the hell that is) then you say that his mom is hurt because he's not a JW, and his dad was hurt because he's not a JW, then you say you think he trys to make you feel bad for not being a JWD (again, whatever that is) like he is.
All the JW & D (?) aside, if you can't talk to him because you think you'll make him feel bad, then you shouldn't be in a relationship w/ him. It seems to me like you have some communication issues that you need to address before you can be a healthy member of any relationship. And your comment about never being able to find another guy like him in the galaxy...PAH! From the way you describe him, he's selfish, closed off, emotionally isolated, and immature. I date a few guys like that every year!
by Priest73 inhey!
shameless begging here... .
any coke product drinkers who don't save points, pm them to me (if you will).
Are these points on Diet Coke, too? 2 liters or just 16oz? I only have Diet Dr. Pepper in my fridge right now. If they are on Diet Coke and they are on sale when I am out of soda, the points are yours!
Reinstatement to inactivity.
by R.F. ina person is disfellowshipped, works hard to get reinstated and once they finally are, they go straight to inactivity and you almost never see them in the kingdom hall again.
when i was an active jw i couldn't understand why a person would go through the process of reinstatement only to become inactive.
i understand why now .
LOL...Hoverovah, he did it so you could get twice as much face that is sweet
Are you complaining?
Brenda Lee Out of the Cocoon Crashes the WT Memorial
by kwr in
in this flash video, you can use any flash video player or even the latest version of realplayer to view, brenda lee the author of out of the cocoon goes to the memorial to have some stale bread and wine.. amen brenda lee!
How wonder JWs lable apostates the way they do.
fpr those who want to know what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is
by burningbridges inok, so i had a few people ask what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is, so here it is and i encourage all of you to do it to all the little ones who you love!!!
ok, so you take your two index fingers and put them together (like your pointing, only do with both fingers pointing at each other and have them touch in the middle) tell the child to "cut the pickle" and they take their hand and "cut" your two fingers apart.
when they do, tickle the living heck out of them!!!
Open Mind, I watched " A League of Their Own" on Saturday. It's why I opened this thread...LOL..doh!
What do you say to someone you are seeing for the last time?
by Bumble Bee ini've been thinking about this alot tonite.
what do i talk about with my uncle when i see him on wednesday?
this will be the last time i see him alive.
I don't know what to tell you, as I have never been in your situation, but the very first thing I thought of after reading your post was, "I love you". Sometimes the right thing can't be said and a hug, smile, a squeeze of the hand, or a kiss on the forehead are all that is needed. I think A&W made some good suggestions, but then again, I have no clue what you could possibly be going through right now and I dread the day when I will. My heart goes out to you right now and I hope things are peaceful for your uncle's final days.
My uncle is dying
by Bumble Bee inmy mom just called me and told me my uncle is dying.
he has aplastic anemia and only has between 2 and 14 days left to live.
the only treatment for aplastic amenia is bone marrow or cord blood transplant, which we all know he can't have.
I am so sorry to hear this, Bee. I hope you are OK and am here if you need me.
Update on my sister
by sweetface2233 ina few weeks ago, as you may already know, my sister called me an apostate and told me that she wants nothing to do w/ me.
i have since explained some things to my mother, an active witness, and she respects my concerns and decision.
i've sent text messages to my sister, as well as made a few phone calls to her, but they all have gone unanswered.
I sent my sister flowers today (the Valentine's special) and for the first time in 7 months I got to hear her voice. She called to thank me and we caught up on parts of our life. She told me about her job and her new life in Oregon. I touched on my job and future lack there of, as well as coming to peace w/ myself. I explained to her that it was "self-esteem issues" I have been carrying around for years, when really it was bitterness and resentment toward the WTS that I let go of. I wanted so much to tell her about the new friends that I have made and how much fun I have had getting to know them, but I kept my lips sealed about you guys. We didn't go into any JW talk and I am so glad that she didn't bring it up. I cherished the convo so much and it would have been tainted if any religious banter was brought into it. When we said our good-byes, she was in tears and crying enough that it was hard to make out what she was saying. I am very proud of myself for keeping it together. Honestly, I have cried so much over the past few weeks that I probably don't have any tears left, which was a good thing. I was able to calm her down and keep the possibility open for future convos w/ her.
I missed her so much, I ached for her comfort, and just hearing her voice brought me to a place of contentment that I haven't been in for a while.
What did you do today?
by horrible life inwhat have you been doing today?
i have spent the last 7 hours, deleting emails.
i had over 7000, when i started.
Horrible Life, this website has all of the South Park episodes, as well as the movie. You can download them or watch them through streaming video.
"Awesom-O" Season 8 #802
Synopsis: Cartman dresses up as a robot to trick Butters into revealing his deepest secrets. Little does he know, the joke is on him.