Billy said:
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But I am more like this:
( . Y . )
thought all you newbies would benefit from this instructional video....enjoy.. .
Billy said:
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But I am more like this:
( . Y . )
i remember growing up we were told not to voice our fears outloud, lest satan hear them and use it against us during the gt.
as a result i grew up pretending i wasn't afraid of anything, that i was the strong one, which is sooooo far from the truth!
lol i have learned that i am stronger than i thought i was, but there is a part of me that just once would love someone else to deal with the fears and tell me it's all going to be ok. .
I can't speak for anyone else, but I too also heard the reasoning to not voice your fears and/or wants out loud, due to Satan being able to hear those prayers. In fact, when I was going through JC meetings 3 years ago, my brother, an elder at Brooklyn Bethel, said those very words to me.
a: i block your car.. today i was out and about enjoying a rare day off work.
all was well and i was feeling good and having a good time... then i came home and found this grey honda parked in my driveway blocking me from parking in my garage (the one i pay $70 a month for).
ok, if asshole wants to block me, i'll block asshole.
I heart Elsewhere
my veins are to small.. .
i'm getting another blood test next week that will mean more than one tube of blood being taken.
i wonder where they are going to try to get it from??
Yes, FHN, I did mean glasses, thank you. I was reading up on the latest gas prices on yahoo news and the word "gallons" flew off of my fingers...tee hee.
my veins are to small.. .
i'm getting another blood test next week that will mean more than one tube of blood being taken.
i wonder where they are going to try to get it from??
I feel your pain. My veins are exactly the same way. I have to have blood drawn at least twice a year and have had several IVs throughout my life. Each time the nurse has to go in through the top of my hand. It does help if you drink several gallons of water w/in 3-4 hours of having blood withdrawn. Being dehydrated makes thin/narrow/small veins even tougher to find. Do you bruise easily, too? When I spend a day on a jet ski or a ski slope, my legs look like I fell down 6 flights of stairs.
I have never been told that the condition of my veins would be a cause for me not being able to donate blood. However, I haven't been able to donate since deciding that I no longer wanted to be a JW, because I keep getting pierced and inked. New tat coming this summer!
i remember growing up we were told not to voice our fears outloud, lest satan hear them and use it against us during the gt.
as a result i grew up pretending i wasn't afraid of anything, that i was the strong one, which is sooooo far from the truth!
lol i have learned that i am stronger than i thought i was, but there is a part of me that just once would love someone else to deal with the fears and tell me it's all going to be ok. .
Apparently, I have had a subconscious fear of being hurt and betrayed, again. I've been unknowingly pushing away male friends and sabotaging friendships w/ them when I feel that any interest (theirs or mine) has crossed over a comfortable line. Luckily, I haven't been able to push a few too far from me. They are kind and patient and call me out on my shit when I am feeling too pressured. I am grateful for that.
Oh, and falling down and knocking out one of my fronth teeth. My birth certificate says WV, but I don't need to look like it...tee hee.
You guys actually make the WT study entertaining. I love it!
Keep up the good work, boys.
dear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Bee, I just saw your comment about my journal entry. Thank you for letting me know that I have been able to help you. You are one of my dearest friends and have helped me get through a rough time just by being trustworthy and a good listener. You let me open up to you and didn't push me away afterward. I appreciate you more than you could know.
can ya all post a pic of a flower for wings?.
this is a rose from my garden last year, the first one to bloom.
Here is one of the blooms from my very first Valentine's Day bouquet (2008). I am having my tattoo artist work up a sketch of it. Not quite yet sure of where it will be placed, but I have narrowed it down to 2 spots. Enjoy!
I thought she said that she could go away to college. Adam was poking fun at home school and said "Home School College". But, HELLO, isn't that what on-line courses are?