White Flag - Dido
rather than hijack another thread and inspired by fullofdoubtnow and dedpoets music for the wedding thread i thought i would start a little "dedications" thread - this isn't the sort of dedication symbolised by dunking though!.
(i expect to see ggbg and ofg here forthwith for some romantic dedications).. i'd like to dedicate the following to someone special - "bodies - by drowning pool" .
they probably wont see this, but the thought that counts!.
White Flag - Dido
i've gotten a few pm's asking how mimi is doing after her surgery so i decided to make this topic and post some pictures of her.
for those of you that don't know mimi is my italian greyhound and she had a chronic ear infection that would not clear up.
the vet decided that the best course of action was surgery.
That 4th picture down is adorable. I'm glad she's doing well.
otherwise entitled: smoking - a cautionary tale.
i have a gift, a talent for getting myself locked into or out of places.
ever since i was small i have managed to get myself locked in most host's lavatories and unable to quite mistress the ability to unlock the door.. today i surpassed myself.
My gift? Other than being able to whip up the tastiest bowl of Lucky Charms on the planet, I have managed to attract every guy in the DC area who is not interested in ANYTHING but casual sex. I need to get out of here.
what have you been doing today?
i have spent the last 7 hours, deleting emails.
i had over 7000, when i started.
Slept in till 9:30, made breakfast, watched episode #802 of South Park "Awesom-O", took a nap, called Lenny and Karen, did my Valentine's Day shopping, ate a frozen pizza while watching "Awesome-O" again (it's so funny), did a load of laundry, took a shower, went to our DC XJW meet-up, afterward went to a pool hall w/ 2 new members of the XJW meet-up and 1 I have been friends w/ for well over a year, cleaned the pool table all by myself 3 times while managing to hit some creepy guy who kept following us around in the nuts w/ my pool cue, smoked 3 cigars, and got hit on by a lesbian...all in all...a good day!
my father died last monday, the 4th at the age of 82. he had suffered from severe alzheimers for the last few years.
his funeral was yesterday.
as my brother and i made the arrangements (my mother died in 2003) he suggested and i agreed that we would each give a eulogy.
Lenny and Karen, I am so sorry about your father. You both know I love you very much and am grateful for the life you have helped me lead today. If it weren't for the two of you, for all I know, I may be back at the meetings right now. I owe my freedom and peace to you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!
Your adopted daughter,
we moved to a new congro when we got married there was a pioneer couple who looked down on anyone who wasn't as good as them.. my wife was pioneering i was working my butt off trying to save some money to buy a house (we did) these 2 looked down on anyone who brought anything nice ,we found out they were running down to the welfare for a free handout at the expense of hard working people like me just to look good.. take away the label pioneer they would probably support themselves.. another solo mum living on welfare used to rave on how she pioneered lets face it having the state pay you to bring up one child she had plenty of time on her hands.. i was working on council houses and helped her get one even helped her move into it ,soon after she married the father of her child (he became a jw) after the help my wife & i had given her we didnt get an invite to the wedding they only invited elders , ms , regular pioneers one of my mates who was a pioneer said '' don't know why they invited me don't even know them''.
fast forward after much , much ass licking (you had to see it to believe it ) he became an elder only to be removed a few months later.
My brother and his wife.
You guys are making me anticipate the WT study now!
i keep hearing that at judicial committees (?
) very explicit details are asked of those being questioned.
do others in the congregation know how detailed these meetings get?
Oh Homerovah, you are so romantic! Oh how I've always dreamed of being alone w/ you in a run down shack. Be sure to wear your wife beater, ripped jeans, and flip flops. I'll be wearing my tube top w/ my bra straps showing. If we are lucky, we will be stalked by a PI and be exposed on that show, "Are they cheating?"...SWEET!!!
4mylove, I am sorry that Homerovah came on to me in your thread. But at least you got some sleazy details, right?
well, this is one of 2 groups i will post tonight .
i'll post my other favorite current group later as i have to go to dinner.
but u 2 is one of my favorite current active groups performing still.
Are you running out of groups, yet? When are you going to start the New Kids on the Block thread?
i keep hearing that at judicial committees (?
) very explicit details are asked of those being questioned.
do others in the congregation know how detailed these meetings get?
Hi Homerovah
I do tend to attract married men...hence my last JC...LOL.