Served as an elder in London Ontario Canada.My first elders meeting shook my faith to its foundation. We did not discuss congregation or bible issues.Instead 8 elders became heated over mundane stuff. Overseer was Mike Garec who claimed to have the CO in his pocket. Harsh words aggressive behaviour body language and angry speech. The judicial process was a farce. One elder would ask intimate questions and as I discreetly observed to fondle his genitals.When I asked I was told the elder in question had an itch. Faded thereafter sad sad day.
JoinedPosts by notoneoftheboys
exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite innow that enough time has passed and i've moved away, i think i'm overdue to share some of the stories from my fade.
i've mentioned some of this before, but i think it deserves its own thread.. we all would like to be able to freely ask questions about jw beliefs and get our family and friends to really think about certain questions.
however, when you're a baptized jw, you really can't ask any good questions or you'll get the "apostate" label slapped on you!
Have to say the blonde has good child bearing hips...just saying... -
Nearly Killing My Mother Wasn't Enough !
by cookiemaster inas some of you might have read last week, my mother had extremely low hemoglobin and without it, she would have died.
i have somehow managed to bring her to reason and accept the transfusion.
it saved her life.
It has been documented on many sites that the org will not help out financially in a crisis. The billions in assets are not used for this purpose. New drugs are available on the market, but are costly but the org will pass the buck and say the family has this responsibility. When I served on the HLC families of long serving pioneers and others who left entire estates to the org in their will were denied medical treatment because the org refused. They turn a deaf ear when asked for financial help, but can have a JC formed in minutes if someone accepts blood. I used to despair when families asked because the answer was no. Hypocrisy. -
the wonderful world wde witnessing work----or is it ?
by stan livedeath inhiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.. .
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?.
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?.
That picture captures the essence of the town I live in same old girls same grubby doorway stinking of piss and ciggies. -
Prepare to 'Phone Bethel!
by The Searcher inforewarned is forearmed!
here's a little tip for anyone who decides to 'phone bethel: .
bethelites are trained to be paranoid with telephone callers, and they ask you the following, "who's calling; where are you calling from; (if you've withheld your number!
Bethelites have always been trained to be that way, guarded answers for questions. EG; when I was at HQ for a tour I asked how many hours the bethelites had to get in field service, answer: we strive to do the national average. So then I asked that's 10 hrs a month rite? answer: every bethelites hours are between him and Jehovah. So then I asked is it true that your rooms are monitored for inappropriate reading and viewing material. Answer : we are not monitored in any way we are free to choose our own reading and tv viewing. 3 more questions and then I was taken aside and asked for name, position, address, congregation. Suffice to say I gave them BS. -
what happens when one informs elders that one's baptism was invalid?
by quincemyles inis it possible to move from baptized publisher to unbaptized status perpetually?
what do elders do when you inform them that your baptism was invalid?
Been there tried that does not work. The "rub" is simply that they will announce that you are no longer a JW and if you are a born in your whole family has just died to you. How in gods name is this "a loving provision" -
Worldly charity helps Jehovah's Witness child with life-threatening heart defect after Watchtower Society 'charity' refuses help
by jwleaks inprogram sponsors child's medical procedure .
indiana, usa.
Why is it that this thread is true not only in North America but also the UK and Europe.? Because the Org. will not help anyone financially, but they have no scruples when the old sisters leave them money though their family may be penniless!!!! -
JWs are not charitable
by BashfulAshG inhey guys,.
i'm just venting here because obviously, i can vent to no one else because i am still in the congregation.. jws as a whole do nothing to help the poor, the homeless, the sick, the hungry, though some individual jws do.
because they are too busy giving to the gb.
Again same policies the world over. The members are controlled worldwide. would never have believed that ...with the money the Org has that it turns its back on the helpless. In Europe, UK, North America to name a few of the places I have worked, same old. Go to the food bank, [run by churches and charitable groups] pray more get out in service more. But do not ask for money, -
The Kingdom Halls are empty
by punkofnice inmy jw spies tell me that the kingdom halls are empty compared to how they used to be, since i left 5 years ago.
not saying they're empty because of me though.. is that what you are hearing?.
From my own observations in KH in north America and the uk that I visited they are filled with the same kind of people. Their is a growing trend of poor meeting attendance. In the KH here in the uk you could come in sit and leave after the meeting and no one would say hello. I encountered the same loveless response in north America. The modernised countries are the worst. -
Phone call straight after the Royal Commission
by umbertoecho instraight after the commission ended today within minutes, the phone rang.
it was one of the people who are working on it.
firstly she established if i was alright and did i want to talk.. i said i was too tired and unhappy that geoffrey jackson managed to do some preaching....she said they were aware of that.
Again thank you for sharing, my eyes were opened many years ago when in the mid 90s the letter was sent to the elders informing them that paedophiles could continue to serve. They have hundreds if not thousands of names in HQ of those who are guilty of crimes against children. Sad day. At one time I thought when they had meetings on the GB that God spoke thru them, forgive me father for I have sinned. Then I learned from Crisis of conscience, it was all lies.