(lol): Bishop of Bunk
JoinedPosts by glenster
Rutherford war years pdf
by jaydee inin relation to rutherford and the war years in australia .
contents date range.
22 oct 1936 - 18 jan 1941. this file includes an 'open letter' that the watchtower published to the premier of new south wales.. and news clippings from the time.. from one of the news papers called ''truth'':.
Led zeplin fans listen to where Whole lot of love was stolen from
by jaguarbass inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmzynkbj4pi
The Electric Flag's version changed "1st mind" to "2nd mind," which Led Zep
used.The case I'm seeing has nothing to do with subjective reactions to songwriting
ability otherwise, but strictly ethical authorship crediting, and how the effort
to seem exclusive, especially for money, can make people cook up the facts. You
can't copyright basics, like E A D chord changes of common lengths, or the
phrase "I love you," etc., just more specific things. A lot of these music and
lyric creations are such specific recognizable things. You don't get royalties
from flattery in interviews, just song writing credits, as any session musician
in the '60's would know. -
Anyone have Rutherford's "Face the Facts" talk as a mp3?
by VM44 indoes anyone have judge rutherford's 1938 "face the facts" talk as an mp3?.
here is what time magazine said at the time about the talk:.
judge rutherford's rambling, worldwide speech was entitled "face the facts.
That recording is good evidence for several cases about Rutherford and how the
majority of scrapes his followers got into really happened, which JWs leaders
typically direct the blame for away from themselves.As generally shown otherwise with all JWs leaders, since Rutherford's cooked
up claim to be the exclusive spokesperson for a tiny group involved repudiated
requirements for salvaton to define his own exclusiveness, he regularly propa-
gandized against people who held the better attested cases. This is a time
when propagandizing against mainstream Christianity notably meant competing with
the Mein Kampf propaganda Hitler wanted German Christians, the majority of his
constituency, to fall for.- Rutherford claimed Armageddon was imminent and only those who agreed with
Rutherford (a tiny percentage) would survive--he had followers frequently pub-
lically spread the accusation that all others were Satanic. (Compare Paul's
advice on how to gain followers at 1 Cor.10:32 to 11:1.)- Hitler, for strictly political reasons, wanted the PR to be that he was in
alliance with the Pope. Rutherford made what was basically an exaggerated
Hitler's Pope sort of case to the extent of characterizing the Pope as a fascist
who was Hitler's religious right hand man. A more responsible coverage of some
of that, including the Pope's non-Rutherford concern to rescue Jewish people
(criticized in that it could have been greater but not for being less than
Rutherford's), is at the next links.
http://www.randytv.com/Hitler/beyond_revisionism.htmIt's also ironic in that generalizations should refer to what's mostly true--
over 50%--and most Catholics and Protestants saw Rom.13, etc., as calling on
them to fight against Hitler's fascism, but Rutherford's prophet-playing take on
Rom.13, etc., scammed most JWs into trying to talk people out of doing it, a
point not lost on those people.- Rutherford blamed everyone but himself for getting the followers in scrapes
and thrown in German prison camps. But, like anyone else, especially in turbu-
lent times when people already had too much to worry about, he had to know that
if you scam them into broadcasting what is well known to be prejudice against
groups of people, daring them to belt those followers, through those people's
neighborhoods, eventually they were going to find someone who'd accomodate them.That's why I say an easy cure for the JWs' troubles would have been to get him
out of the mansion and put him at the front of the door-to-door line. He would
have started thinking of different interpretations, "Paul said to not give
offense," etc.... If the pacifistic approach is debatable, it isn't that he
could have chosen to guide them in a strategically safer way, but his elitism
wouldn't consider such discretion.And Hitler didn't have the JWs marked for genocide like he did the Jewish peo-
ple--he just wanted them to stay out of his way politically and showed he'd use
force to do it. It wasn't the Pope, etc., it was Rutherford's own bungled pro-
phet-playing in his 2nd biggest marketing group, Germany, at 1st pandering then
threatening Hitler that he'd send unarmed JWs followers into German streets with
Rutherford tracts so critical of Hitler God would destroy Hitler soon, that got
JWs thrown into German prison camps.
http://www.freewebs.com/glenster1/gtjbrooklyn6.htm -
Rutherford Trinity recording--title and date?
by glenster ini downloaded a recording bereanbiblestudent provided by rutherford about the.
trinity.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/159307/1.ashx.
i listed it under 1937, just under the rotating cube of rutherford photos, in.
^ Thanks! I updated the article with credit and dates. Do you have any recordings by Knorr or the later presidents?
Led zeplin fans listen to where Whole lot of love was stolen from
by jaguarbass inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmzynkbj4pi
A batch of uncredited lifts by Led Zep is at the next link.
http://www.warr.org/zep.htmlEdit: I found a Homer Simpson quote: "There goes Jimmy Page, the greatest thief of black music to ever walk the earth."
Edit: this actually isn't a surprising outlook on the ethics of the use of
research material to find brought up in a forum where the usual concern is the
similar outlook about it of the JWs leaders. -
Rutherford Trinity recording--title and date?
by glenster ini downloaded a recording bereanbiblestudent provided by rutherford about the.
trinity.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/159307/1.ashx.
i listed it under 1937, just under the rotating cube of rutherford photos, in.
I downloaded a recording bereanbiblestudent provided by Rutherford about the
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/159307/1.ashxI listed it under 1937, just under the rotating cube of Rutherford photos, in
the timeline at the next link.
http://www.freewebs.com/glenster1/gtjbrooklyn8.htmWhat's the title of the recording it's from and what year was it made?
Led zeplin fans listen to where Whole lot of love was stolen from
by jaguarbass inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmzynkbj4pi
Hot Discussions on YouTube
by V infollow the discussion on these videos, interesting examples of jw-think (click on the links below):.
watchtower comments - valueless propaganda.
watchtower comments - be guided.
What I have on the JWs leaders is in the "GTJ Brooklyn" article at the next
link. Basically, they play prophet by claiming to be the only spokesmen of a
literal 144,000 of the Bible. Like someone saying Bible salvation requires
followers to agree that Noah wore argyle, it's to play prophet, claim special
revelation, even if they deny it or don't predict anything.
http://www.freewebs.com/glenster1/gtjbrooklynindex.htmThey mean to define the exclusiveness by a dozen or so rules and claim the
best evidence and reasoning proves the case for them. But since such common old
material, deliberated on from whatever belief or non-belief angles for centur-
ies, doesn't that, the JWs leaders cook up their case.The detective work is easy once you have that focus. If they intend to prove
their exclusiveness and quote from a book, look for the context of the quote in
that book. If they say something is what others say, see what the most reason-
able thing is others say. If historical context makes a difference, look it up
yourself because if it's bad for their case they're not going to tell you.The case should be made primarily evidentially, not just editorially. But I
could have used a newspaper staff for all the evidence I saw once I got that
focus on them.I've also caught them telling falsehoods about they're own bad track record.
For example, a 1968 quote on p.6 says that they didn't say Armageddon was coming
soon during WWII, but there are quotes of theirs for every year of WWII claim-
ing Armageddon was due soon. In one quote, Rutherford even tells followers not
to have kids because time is short so they should spend it spreading (selling)
his stuff.And the recent Internet availability of early Watchtower literature (p.1a)
shows how silly it is to claim salvation is dependant on agreeing that Russell
had any miraculous revelations about 1914.People shouldn't be too 'centric about various sincere belief or non-belief
choices and should try to get along friendly. But they should also all agree
that insincerity to affect exclusiveness and sell literature, especially if any-
one is hurt or or killed, belongs in a different category.The JWs leaders have among the harshest disfellowshipping rules, including for
all their distinctive rules, to remove dissent, so friends and family have
broken up over it. The JWs leaders' expanded ideas about worldliness and
politics have led to followers being killed in Germany and Malawi. And the JWs
leaders' exclusive rules banning the medical use of blood and major blood pro-
ducts, instead of recommending whichever of those or alternatives give the best
chance for success, have led to deaths of followers and their children. One
issue of theirs even had kids on the cover and boasted that thousands had died
putting (what only the JWs leaders allege to be) God's word first. -
Rutherford's time for Jesus' resurrection--3 AD?
by glenster inbereanbiblestudent posted several rutherford mp3s including the rutherford.
record "fascism or freedom" made in australia, oct.2, 1938. the first thing.
rutherford says on it is that jesus was resurrected exactly 1935 years ago,.
^ Thanks! That one has a lot more evidence of Rutherford's Catholic (and
whatever that was non-Rutherford) bashing, but I think it's from a different
recording session and doesn't explain how Rutherford cooked up 3 AD.P.S.: I think the recording of Franz, unless the 1st part is from an earlier
recording of Franz predicting Armageddon, is an early or mid 1975 recording of
Franz giving sundown of Sept.5, 1975 as the start of God's 7th 1,000 year
creative "day" but fudging about the time of Armageddon.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eschatology_of_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#.22Looking_Forward_to_1975.22_1966-1975 -
Rutherford's time for Jesus' resurrection--3 AD?
by glenster inbereanbiblestudent posted several rutherford mp3s including the rutherford.
record "fascism or freedom" made in australia, oct.2, 1938. the first thing.
rutherford says on it is that jesus was resurrected exactly 1935 years ago,.
Thanks. (I thank you in the Index of my online GTJ Brooklyn article, too. The
audio makes an important contribution to the evidence about the JWs leaders
and makes a good contribution to an understanding of the image they intended.)P.S.: I also wonder about one by Franz I found on You Tube (1969 on the
timeline on p.1a continued). At the start he seems to predict Armageddon for
sundown of Sept.5, 1975, then it sounds like a 2nd recording follows in which he
fudges and just gives that date as the start of God's 7th 1,000 year long
creative "day." Is it a 2nd recording or....?